
Uploaded by ndxggm on Mar 9, 2024



XP 12858

Joined 7 years ago




"情归何处1-梅艳芳" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 19 instruments including Viola, Tinkle Bell, Electric Grand Piano, Koto, Electric Piano 1, Slap Bass 2, and Music Box.

The total duration of this midi music is 1 minute and 15 seconds, with a total of 792 notes, Stored in a TYPE 0 format file which has only one track, and a single tempo of 54bpm.

This MIDI file uses the GM1 standard, which is General MIDI, then switched to GS (Roland General Standard).

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is C major, the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as Channel Volume Control, Pan are used.

Composer: 张勇强

Pop Music    梅艳芳

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 16 channels, 13 instruments, 6 percussion instruments

  • 1


    83 notes/chords,avg. pitch E5

    Program ID: 107, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 01:11

    pitch: G4 - C6

  • 2
    Bright Acoustic Piano

    Bright Acoustic Piano

    1 note/chord,avg. pitch G5

    Program ID: 1, Track: 0

    time: 00:39 - 00:40

    pitch: G5 - G5

  • 3
    Slap Bass 2

    Slap Bass 2

    54 notes/chords,avg. pitch D2

    Program ID: 37, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:15

    pitch: G1 - A2

  • 4
    Slap Bass 2

    Slap Bass 2

    2 notes/chords,avg. pitch B1

    Program ID: 37, Track: 0

    time: 00:12 - 00:48

    pitch: B1 - B1

  • 5
    Music Box

    Music Box

    26 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 10, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:12

    pitch: D4 - G5

  • 6
    Tubular Bells

    Tubular Bells

    26 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 14, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:12

    pitch: D4 - E5

  • 7
    Music Box

    Music Box

    26 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 10, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:12

    pitch: D4 - D5

  • 8


    182 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#4

    Program ID: 41, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:15

    pitch: D3 - E5

  • 9
    Electric Piano 1

    Electric Piano 1

    64 notes/chords,avg. pitch B5

    Program ID: 4, Track: 0

    time: 00:05 - 01:15

    pitch: E5 - E6

  • 11
    Electric Grand Piano

    Electric Grand Piano

    84 notes/chords,avg. pitch E5

    Program ID: 2, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 01:11

    pitch: G4 - C6

  • 12
    Tinkle Bell

    Tinkle Bell

    126 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#2

    Program ID: 112, Track: 0

    time: 00:00 - 01:15

    pitch: F#2 - F#2

  • 13
    Syn Drum

    Syn Drum

    35 notes/chords,avg. pitch E2

    Program ID: 118, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 01:15

    pitch: E2 - E2

  • 14
    Melodic Tom

    Melodic Tom

    1 note/chord,avg. pitch A2

    Program ID: 117, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 00:04

    pitch: A2 - A2

  • 15


    52 notes/chords,avg. pitch B1

    Program ID: 115, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 01:15

    pitch: B1 - B1

  • 16
    Reverse Cymbal

    Reverse Cymbal

    4 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#3

    Program ID: 119, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 00:58

    pitch: C#3 - C#3

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    High Wood Block Low Wood Block Open Cuica Open Triangle


only 1 track is used, 1 track has notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 KotoBright Acoustic PianoSlap Bass 2Music BoxTubular BellsViolaElectric Piano 1Electric Grand PianoTinkle BellSyn DrumMelodic TomWoodblockReverse Cymbal High Wood BlockLow Wood BlockOpen CuicaOpen Triangle

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