
Uploaded by fcchen00 on Dec 20, 2024



XP 45

Joined 9 years ago




"紅塵情歌" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 23 instruments including Acoustic Guitar (steel), Acoustic Guitar (nylon), Acoustic Grand Piano, Ensemble Strings, Electric Bass (finger), Alto Sax, and Choir Aahs.

The total duration of this midi music is 3 minutes and 28 seconds, with a total of 4,076 notes, Stored in a TYPE 0 format file which has only one track, and a single tempo of 89bpm.

This MIDI file uses the GM1 standard, which is General MIDI, then switched to XG (Yamaha EXtended General MIDI).

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is C major, the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Pan, Bank Select, Sustain pedal, Modulation Wheel are used, to enhance the quality.

Copyright: http://www.midisoft.pl/en/

Pop Music   

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 12 channels, 11 instruments, 12 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Alto Sax

    Alto Sax

    255 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 65, Track: 0

    time: 00:24 - 03:15

    pitch: B3 - D#5

  • 2
    Electric Bass (finger)

    Electric Bass (finger)

    277 notes/chords,avg. pitch B1

    Program ID: 33, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 03:22

    pitch: F#1 - G#2

  • 3
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    546 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:22

    pitch: F#2 - F#5

  • 4
    Acoustic Guitar (nylon)

    Acoustic Guitar (nylon)

    579 notes/chords,avg. pitch D4

    Program ID: 24, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:22

    pitch: F#3 - B4

  • 5
    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    167 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#5

    Program ID: 48, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 03:22

    pitch: D#4 - F#6

  • 6
    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    179 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#3

    Program ID: 48, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:22

    pitch: B2 - G#4

  • 7


    50 notes/chords,avg. pitch C6

    Program ID: 72, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 02:44

    pitch: D#5 - A6

  • 8
    Electric Guitar (jazz)

    Electric Guitar (jazz)

    71 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#5

    Program ID: 26, Track: 0

    time: 00:13 - 03:22

    pitch: D#4 - G#5

  • 9
    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    588 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#3

    Program ID: 25, Track: 0

    time: 00:03 - 03:22

    pitch: F#2 - G#4

  • 11
    Syn Drum

    Syn Drum

    38 notes/chords,avg. pitch D4

    Program ID: 118, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 03:16

    pitch: C#4 - E4

  • 12
    Choir Aahs

    Choir Aahs

    164 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#5

    Program ID: 52, Track: 0

    time: 01:07 - 03:22

    pitch: A#4 - F#6

    Syn Choir

    Syn Choir

    18 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#5

    Program ID: 54, Track: 0

    time: 01:51 - 02:00

    pitch: A#4 - B5

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Acoustic Bass Drum Low Floor Tom Closed Hi-Hat High Floor Tom Low Tom Open Hi-Hat Low Mid Tom High Mid Tom Crash Cymbal 1 High Tom Ride Cymbal 1 Crash Cymbal 2


only 1 track is used, 1 track has notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 霉讋伕碧 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Alto SaxElectric Bass (finger)Acoustic Grand PianoAcoustic Guitar (nylon)Ensemble StringsPiccoloElectric Guitar (jazz)Acoustic Guitar (steel)Syn DrumChoir AahsSyn Choir Acoustic Bass DrumLow Floor TomClosed Hi-HatHigh Floor TomLow TomOpen Hi-HatLow Mid TomHigh Mid TomCrash Cymbal 1High TomRide Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 2

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