
Uploaded by nja2008 on Aug 4, 2014



XP 230

Joined 11 years ago



"happyend.mid" is a MIDI music piece, played by an ensemble of 36 instruments including Acoustic Guitar (steel), Overdriven Guitar, Electric Bass (finger), Slow Strings, Acoustic Grand Piano, Clarinet, Rock Organ, Ensemble Strings, and Alto Sax.

The total duration of this midi music is 4 minutes and 35 seconds, with a total of 9,873 notes, divided into 13 tracks, the initial tempo is 90bpm, the min tempo is 40bpm, the max tempo is 121bpm.

This MIDI file uses the GM1 standard, which is General MIDI, then switched to GS (Roland General Standard).

There are multiple keys marked in the file, such as F major、G♭ major、C major etc., the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Pan are used, to enhance the quality.

Copyright: Copyright 1997-1998, Niagara3

Other Music    happyend.mid

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 9 channels, 13 instruments, 23 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Electric Bass (finger)

    Electric Bass (finger)

    397 notes/chords,avg. pitch A1

    Program ID: 33, Track: 1

    time: 00:01 - 04:28

    pitch: C1 - F2

  • 2


    66 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 56, Track: 2

    time: 02:04 - 03:42

    pitch: C4 - C#5



    61 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 58, Track: 2

    time: 01:10 - 01:42

    pitch: C4 - C5

    Alto Sax

    Alto Sax

    92 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 65, Track: 2

    time: 01:47 - 04:24

    pitch: C#4 - E5



    101 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 71, Track: 2

    time: 00:28 - 03:46

    pitch: C4 - E5

  • 3
    Rock Organ

    Rock Organ

    101 notes/chords,avg. pitch D5

    Program ID: 18, Track: 3

    time: 00:19 - 03:46

    pitch: C4 - C6

  • 4
    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    2 notes/chords,avg. pitch C5

    Program ID: 44, Track: 4

    time: 02:06 - 02:11

    pitch: A4 - E5

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    12 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#4

    Program ID: 48, Track: 4

    time: 03:09 - 04:28

    pitch: A#3 - C#5

    Slow Strings

    Slow Strings

    155 notes/chords,avg. pitch C5

    Program ID: 49, Track: 4

    time: 00:01 - 04:28

    pitch: A3 - F6

  • 5


    19 notes/chords,avg. pitch G3

    Program ID: 41, Track: 5

    time: 00:02 - 00:11

    pitch: A2 - F4

    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    11 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 44, Track: 5

    time: 00:11 - 00:16

    pitch: A3 - A4

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    87 notes/chords,avg. pitch G3

    Program ID: 48, Track: 5

    time: 01:47 - 03:10

    pitch: D2 - F4

    Slow Strings

    Slow Strings

    98 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#3

    Program ID: 49, Track: 5

    time: 00:16 - 04:24

    pitch: F#2 - D5

  • 6
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    242 notes/chords,avg. pitch D5

    Program ID: 0, Track: 6

    time: 00:21 - 04:24

    pitch: C#2 - A6

  • 8
    Overdriven Guitar

    Overdriven Guitar

    423 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4

    Program ID: 29, Track: 8

    time: 00:03 - 04:24

    pitch: F3 - C6

  • 9
    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    845 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#3

    Program ID: 25, Track: 9

    time: 00:27 - 04:24

    pitch: E2 - A#4

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Acoustic Snare Electric Snare Low Floor Tom High Floor Tom Low Tom Low Mid Tom High Mid Tom Closed Hi-Hat Pedal Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Crash Cymbal 1 Tambourine Splash Cymbal Crash Cymbal 2 Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 2 Cabase Short Guiro Long Guiro


13 tracks are used, 12 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 幸せな結末  大瀧詠一/多 幸福
1 Bass 1 Electric Bass (finger)
2 Melody 2 TrumpetTubaAlto SaxClarinet
3 RockOrg 3 Rock Organ
4 Strings 1 4 Tremolo StringsEnsemble StringsSlow Strings
5 Strings 2 5 ViolaTremolo StringsEnsemble StringsSlow Strings
6 Piano 6 Acoustic Grand Piano
7 Castanet 10
8 Guiter 8 Overdriven Guitar
9 GtrSteel 9 Acoustic Guitar (steel)
10 Drums 10 Bass Drum 1Acoustic SnareElectric SnareLow Floor TomHigh Floor TomLow TomLow Mid TomHigh Mid Tom
11 Hi-Hat 10 Closed Hi-HatPedal Hi-HatOpen Hi-HatCrash Cymbal 1
12 幸せな結末  大瀧詠一/多 幸福 10 TambourineSplash CymbalCrash Cymbal 2VibraslapRide Cymbal 2CabaseShort GuiroLong Guiro

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xiaolu83255 XP 45
9 years ago 2#

很不错 非常感谢很不错 非常感谢

薇薇棋棋 XP 277
10 years ago 1#

非常好 谢谢楼主