最强大脑版 新小苹果

Uploaded by lxjay on Mar 15, 2015



XP 1778

Joined 10 years ago



最强大脑版 新小苹果

"最强大脑版 新小苹果" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 17 instruments including Music Box, Electric Bass (finger), Acoustic Guitar (steel), Orchestral Harp, FX 4 (atmosphere), Clarinet, and Acoustic Grand Piano.

The total duration of this midi music is 3 minutes and 36 seconds, with a total of 5,995 notes, divided into 17 tracks, and a single tempo of 125bpm.

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is C major, the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control are used.


Pop Music    新小苹果最强大脑

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 11 channels, 11 instruments, 6 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Music Box

    Music Box

    236 notes/chords,avg. pitch F5

    Program ID: 10, Track: 1

    time: 00:07 - 01:53

    pitch: C5 - G6

  • 2


    174 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 6, Track: 2

    time: 01:49 - 03:37

    pitch: A#3 - A#4

    Music Box

    Music Box

    284 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 10, Track: 2

    time: 00:25 - 01:50

    pitch: D4 - G6

    Acoustic Guitar (nylon)

    Acoustic Guitar (nylon)

    32 notes/chords,avg. pitch D4

    Program ID: 24, Track: 2

    time: 02:36 - 02:50

    pitch: C4 - F4

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    145 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 25, Track: 2

    time: 00:01 - 03:14

    pitch: D4 - G4

    Orchestral Harp

    Orchestral Harp

    72 notes/chords,avg. pitch E4

    Program ID: 46, Track: 2

    time: 00:21 - 01:29

    pitch: D4 - F4



    210 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 71, Track: 2

    time: 02:05 - 02:34

    pitch: A#3 - A#4

  • 3
    Music Box

    Music Box

    205 notes/chords,avg. pitch D5

    Program ID: 10, Track: 3

    time: 00:01 - 02:51

    pitch: C4 - G5

    FX 4 (atmosphere)

    FX 4 (atmosphere)

    232 notes/chords,avg. pitch G4

    Program ID: 99, Track: 3

    time: 02:51 - 03:22

    pitch: A3 - E5

  • 4
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    41 notes/chords,avg. pitch E5

    Program ID: 0, Track: 4

    time: 00:42 - 01:51

    pitch: C5 - G5

    Drawbar Organ

    Drawbar Organ

    50 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 16, Track: 4

    time: 02:35 - 02:58

    pitch: C4 - G4

  • 5
    Music Box

    Music Box

    85 notes/chords,avg. pitch D6

    Program ID: 10, Track: 5

    time: 02:20 - 02:51

    pitch: D5 - G6

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    148 notes/chords,avg. pitch E6

    Program ID: 25, Track: 5

    time: 00:01 - 02:20

    pitch: D5 - G6

  • 6
    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    144 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 48, Track: 6

    time: 00:01 - 03:20

    pitch: C4 - D5

  • 7
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    1 note/chord,avg. pitch D5

    Program ID: 0, Track: 7

    time: 00:16 - 00:17

    pitch: D5 - D5

  • 8
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    72 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 8

    time: 01:39 - 01:59

    pitch: D4 - G4

    Music Box

    Music Box

    310 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 10, Track: 8

    time: 02:03 - 03:37

    pitch: D4 - G4

    Orchestral Harp

    Orchestral Harp

    90 notes/chords,avg. pitch E4

    Program ID: 46, Track: 8

    time: 01:59 - 03:24

    pitch: D4 - F4

  • 9
    Electric Bass (finger)

    Electric Bass (finger)

    880 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#2

    Program ID: 33, Track: 9

    time: 00:01 - 03:37

    pitch: F1 - C3

  • 11
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    72 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 11

    time: 01:39 - 01:59

    pitch: D4 - G4

    Music Box

    Music Box

    240 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 10, Track: 11

    time: 02:03 - 03:16

    pitch: D4 - G4

    Orchestral Harp

    Orchestral Harp

    72 notes/chords,avg. pitch E4

    Program ID: 46, Track: 11

    time: 01:59 - 03:07

    pitch: D4 - F4

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Acoustic Snare Hand Clap Closed Hi-Hat Crash Cymbal 1 Crash Cymbal 2


17 tracks are used, 11 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
1 vocal 1 Music Box
2 CHIOR 2 HarpsichordMusic BoxAcoustic Guitar (nylon)Acoustic Guitar (steel)Orchestral HarpClarinet
3 ripper 3 Music BoxFX 4 (atmosphere)
4 TRACK 4 4 Acoustic Grand PianoDrawbar Organ
5 leads 5 Music BoxAcoustic Guitar (steel)
6 pad 6 Ensemble Strings
7 TRACK 7 7 Acoustic Grand Piano
8 TRACK 8 8 Acoustic Grand PianoMusic BoxOrchestral Harp
9 bass 9 Electric Bass (finger)
10 drums 10 Bass Drum 1Acoustic SnareHand ClapClosed Hi-HatCrash Cymbal 1Crash Cymbal 2
11 TRACK 11 11 Acoustic Grand PianoMusic BoxOrchestral Harp
12 TRACK 12
13 TRACK 13
14 TRACK 14
15 TRACK 15
16 TRACK 16

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Happy_589242 XP 7265
8 months ago 13#

最强大脑版 新小苹果②雷霆一击鲁特琴单曲+1,这个版本的编曲简直神了,好听到哭!!!

董通 XP 107
6 years ago 12#


9639998 XP 23
7 years ago 11#


chouwp888 XP 508
9 years ago 10#


gengtieming XP 23
9 years ago 9#


ping3 XP 11
9 years ago 8#

good 好聽

白小菜 XP 17
9 years ago 7#


wangyx1565 XP 8
9 years ago 6#


w1156744968 XP 75
9 years ago 5#

太棒了 支持你

xionghaonan XP 23
9 years ago 4#


黑蚂蚁 XP 198
9 years ago 3#

真的好动听的midi music

9 years ago 2#

midi 音乐真好听

aaaaaqqqqq XP 128
9 years ago 1#
