梁祝完全板 (3)

Uploaded by heqiuhuai on Dec 30, 2015



XP 238

Joined 12 years ago



"梁祝完全板 (3)" is a MIDI music piece in Classical Music style, played by an ensemble of 31 instruments including Ensemble Strings, Violin, Flute, Slow Strings, French Horn, Clarinet, Oboe, and Pizzicato Strings.

The total duration of this midi music is 25 minutes and 53 seconds, with a total of 36,577 notes, divided into 45 tracks, the initial tempo is 50bpm, the min tempo is 8bpm, the max tempo is 172bpm.

There are multiple keys marked in the file, such as G major、E major、D major、B♭ major、F major etc., marked beats are 4/4、2/4、1/4、3/4、6/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Pan, Sustain pedal, Modulation Wheel, Bank Select are used, to enhance the quality.

Copyright: All rights reserved by Wang Tao, wang.tao@bj.col.com.cn

Classical Music   

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 16 channels, 16 instruments, 15 percussion instruments

  • 1


    1,977 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#5

    Program ID: 73, Track: 3

    time: 00:19 - 25:41

    pitch: D#4 - C#7

  • 2


    1,297 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#5

    Program ID: 68, Track: 4

    time: 00:54 - 25:06

    pitch: C4 - G6

  • 3


    1,521 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 71, Track: 5

    time: 01:06 - 25:06

    pitch: E3 - D#6

  • 4


    1,036 notes/chords,avg. pitch E3

    Program ID: 70, Track: 6

    time: 03:26 - 25:06

    pitch: B1 - B4

  • 5
    French Horn

    French Horn

    833 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 60, Track: 7

    time: 00:51 - 25:06

    pitch: C#3 - B4

    French Horn

    French Horn

    713 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#3

    Program ID: 60, Track: 8

    time: 03:34 - 25:06

    pitch: B2 - G#4

  • 6


    481 notes/chords,avg. pitch A4

    Program ID: 56, Track: 9

    time: 06:05 - 25:06

    pitch: G3 - A5

  • 7


    362 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 57, Track: 10

    time: 11:04 - 25:06

    pitch: A2 - C5

  • 8


    303 notes/chords,avg. pitch C3

    Program ID: 57, Track: 11

    time: 11:04 - 25:06

    pitch: D2 - C4



    53 notes/chords,avg. pitch A4

    Program ID: 58, Track: 11

    time: 19:49 - 20:34

    pitch: A3 - G#5

  • 9
    Orchestral Harp

    Orchestral Harp

    888 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 46, Track: 17

    time: 00:09 - 25:33

    pitch: B1 - E7

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    137 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#5

    Program ID: 0, Track: 18

    time: 04:35 - 23:28

    pitch: A3 - D7

  • 11


    3,064 notes/chords,avg. pitch F5

    Program ID: 40, Track: 19

    time: 01:23 - 25:46

    pitch: G3 - E7

  • 12
    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    23 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#5

    Program ID: 44, Track: 20

    time: 00:19 - 21:02

    pitch: E4 - C#6

    Pizzicato Strings

    Pizzicato Strings

    165 notes/chords,avg. pitch A4

    Program ID: 45, Track: 20

    time: 02:10 - 23:47

    pitch: G#3 - C#6

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    2,314 notes/chords,avg. pitch F5

    Program ID: 48, Track: 20

    time: 00:16 - 25:46

    pitch: G3 - B6

  • 13
    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    27 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#5

    Program ID: 44, Track: 21

    time: 00:19 - 16:36

    pitch: E4 - A5

    Pizzicato Strings

    Pizzicato Strings

    109 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 45, Track: 21

    time: 02:09 - 23:47

    pitch: G#3 - E5

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    2,789 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4

    Program ID: 48, Track: 21

    time: 00:14 - 25:46

    pitch: G3 - D7

    Slow Strings

    Slow Strings

    14 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 49, Track: 21

    time: 10:06 - 10:20

    pitch: G#3 - F#4

  • 14
    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    26 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#4

    Program ID: 44, Track: 22

    time: 09:16 - 17:25

    pitch: F#3 - D5

    Pizzicato Strings

    Pizzicato Strings

    152 notes/chords,avg. pitch C4

    Program ID: 45, Track: 22

    time: 02:28 - 23:47

    pitch: A2 - B4

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    1,615 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 48, Track: 22

    time: 00:12 - 25:46

    pitch: A2 - A5

    Slow Strings

    Slow Strings

    1,094 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 49, Track: 22

    time: 00:56 - 12:57

    pitch: C3 - G5

  • 15


    85 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 42, Track: 23

    time: 09:26 - 16:36

    pitch: C#3 - C#5

    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    6 notes/chords,avg. pitch F3

    Program ID: 44, Track: 23

    time: 16:52 - 17:25

    pitch: F#2 - C#4

    Pizzicato Strings

    Pizzicato Strings

    401 notes/chords,avg. pitch F3

    Program ID: 45, Track: 23

    time: 02:08 - 23:47

    pitch: D2 - E4

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    1,116 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#3

    Program ID: 48, Track: 23

    time: 00:09 - 25:46

    pitch: C#2 - D5

    Slow Strings

    Slow Strings

    487 notes/chords,avg. pitch E3

    Program ID: 49, Track: 23

    time: 01:17 - 12:57

    pitch: F2 - F4

  • 16
    Tremolo Strings

    Tremolo Strings

    6 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#2

    Program ID: 44, Track: 24

    time: 16:52 - 17:25

    pitch: F#1 - F#2

    Pizzicato Strings

    Pizzicato Strings

    240 notes/chords,avg. pitch F2

    Program ID: 45, Track: 24

    time: 00:56 - 25:41

    pitch: E1 - A3

    Ensemble Strings

    Ensemble Strings

    1,093 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#2

    Program ID: 48, Track: 24

    time: 00:04 - 25:19

    pitch: E1 - D4

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Low Floor Tom High Floor Tom Low Tom Open Hi-Hat Low Mid Tom High Mid Tom High Tom Chinese Cymbal Tambourine Acoustic Bass Drum High Wood Block Crash Cymbal 2 Ride Cymbal 2 Low Bongo High Bongo


45 tracks are used, 22 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 小提琴协奏曲-梁山伯与祝英台
1 Violin Concerto
2 "The Butterfly Lovers"
3 2 Flauti 1 Flute
4 2 Oboi 2 Oboe
5 2 Clarinetti in A 3 Clarinet
6 2 Fagotti 4 Bassoon
7 Corni I & II in F 5 French Horn
8 Corni III & IV in F 5 French Horn
9 Tr-be 6 Trumpet
10 Tromboni I & II 7 Trombone
11 Tromboni III 8 TromboneTuba
12 Timpani 10 Low Floor TomHigh Floor TomLow TomOpen Hi-HatLow Mid TomHigh Mid TomHigh TomChinese CymbalTambourine
13 Gu* Impossible without SF 10 Acoustic Bass Drum
14 Ban* Impossible without SF 10 High Wood Block
15 Piatti 10 Crash Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2Low Bongo
16 Tam-Tam* Impossible without SF 10 High Bongo
17 Arpa 9 Orchestral Harp
18 Piano 9 Acoustic Grand Piano
19 Violino solo 11 Violin
20 Violini I 12 Tremolo StringsPizzicato StringsEnsemble Strings
21 Violini II 13 Tremolo StringsPizzicato StringsEnsemble StringsSlow Strings
22 Viole 14 Tremolo StringsPizzicato StringsEnsemble StringsSlow Strings
23 Violoncelli 15 CelloTremolo StringsPizzicato StringsEnsemble StringsSlow Strings
24 Contrabassi 16 Tremolo StringsPizzicato StringsEnsemble Strings
25 小提琴协奏曲
26 <<梁山伯与祝英台>>
27 作曲:何占豪 陈钢
28 MIDI制作:王韬
29 wang.tao@bj.col.com.cn
30 1998年3月
31 仅用于交流,请尊重
32 原作者的版权,不得
33 用于任何商业目的。
34 Persoanl use only.
35 Using this MIDI for
36 any commercial purpose
37 is strictly prohibited
38 *****************************
39 Special thanks to
40 David Siu
41 http://midiworld.com/DavidSiu
42 for offering me favoralbe
43 comment that have made
44 this midi better than I could have done

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