
Uploaded by qifeng0316 on Jan 30, 2018



XP 13780

Joined 7 years ago




"Impossible" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 15 instruments including Acoustic Grand Piano, Pan Flute, Fretless Bass, Electric Guitar (jazz), French Horn, and Electric Guitar (clean).

The total duration of this midi music is 4 minutes and 15 seconds, with a total of 3,570 notes, divided into 25 tracks, the initial tempo is 71bpm, the min tempo is 62bpm.

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is F major, marked beats are 4/4、2/4、12/8、9/8、6/8.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Sustain pedal, Channel Volume Control, Bank Select are used, to enhance the quality.

Meta Text

Remarks :
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @TChristina Aguilera - Impossible @TTrack 09 - Stripped  @TMid By Paul - @TKar By Lauriane - @T* ** *** Paul is Xtina's greatest fan !! *** ** * Xtina : Play something for me Alicia. Alicia : There you go Chris. What's up? Xtina : Just got something on my mind. Alicia : Speak on it, girl \Oh  Oh  Oh  Ohhh /Oh  Oh  Oh  Ohhh /It's  im pos si ble, /It's  im pos si ble  to  love  you /If  you  don't,  let  me  know, /What  y
Copyright: Composer :

Pop Music   

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 13 channels, 7 instruments, 8 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    484 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 6

    time: 00:18 - 04:10

    pitch: F3 - A5

  • 2
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    210 notes/chords,avg. pitch A2

    Program ID: 0, Track: 7

    time: 00:18 - 04:10

    pitch: A1 - A#3

  • 3
    Acoustic Grand Piano

    Acoustic Grand Piano

    67 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 0, Track: 5

    time: 00:03 - 00:17

    pitch: D#2 - A5

  • 4
    Pan Flute

    Pan Flute

    113 notes/chords,avg. pitch E4

    Program ID: 75, Track: 4

    time: 00:30 - 03:44

    pitch: E3 - A#4

  • 5
    Pan Flute

    Pan Flute

    356 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 75, Track: 3

    time: 00:30 - 03:47

    pitch: E3 - D#5

  • 7
    Fretless Bass

    Fretless Bass

    278 notes/chords,avg. pitch G2

    Program ID: 35, Track: 13

    time: 00:30 - 04:10

    pitch: A1 - F3

  • 8
    French Horn

    French Horn

    82 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 60, Track: 8

    time: 00:30 - 03:47

    pitch: F3 - D5

  • 9
    French Horn

    French Horn

    12 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#3

    Program ID: 60, Track: 9

    time: 01:41 - 03:47

    pitch: A2 - F3

  • 11
    Reverse Cymbal

    Reverse Cymbal

    1 note/chord,avg. pitch C4

    Program ID: 119, Track: 24

    time: 00:28 - 00:29

    pitch: C4 - C4

  • 14
    Electric Guitar (jazz)

    Electric Guitar (jazz)

    182 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#4

    Program ID: 26, Track: 10

    time: 00:49 - 04:06

    pitch: E3 - G4

  • 15
    Electric Guitar (clean)

    Electric Guitar (clean)

    20 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 27, Track: 11

    time: 01:09 - 03:58

    pitch: C4 - C5

  • 16
    Electric Guitar (clean)

    Electric Guitar (clean)

    5 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 27, Track: 12

    time: 02:27 - 02:30

    pitch: D4 - G4

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Electric Snare Closed Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Crash Cymbal 1 Crash Cymbal 2 Ride Cymbal 2 Tambourine


25 tracks are used, 20 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 Titre
1 Soft karaoke
2 Words
3 Christina 5 Pan Flute
4 Background vocals 4 Pan Flute
5 Piano intro 3 Acoustic Grand Piano
6 High piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano
7 Low piano 2 Acoustic Grand Piano
8 High brass 8 French Horn
9 Low brass 9 French Horn
10 High pedal steel guitar 14 Electric Guitar (jazz)
11 High clean guitar 15 Electric Guitar (clean)
12 Additionnal clean guitar 16 Electric Guitar (clean)
13 Bass 7 Fretless Bass
14 Drums
15 Drums-StdInstr
16 Drums-kick drum 1 10 Bass Drum 1
17 Drums-snare drum 2 10 Electric Snare
18 Drums-closed hi-hat 10 Closed Hi-Hat
19 Drums-open hi-hat 10 Open Hi-Hat
20 Drums-crash cymbal 1 10 Crash Cymbal 1
21 Drums-crash cymbal 2 10 Crash Cymbal 2
22 Drums-ride cymbal 2 10 Ride Cymbal 2
23 Drums-tambourine 10 Tambourine
24 Drums-reverse cymbal 11 Reverse Cymbal

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