Shesaidshesaid L

Uploaded by likeaduck on Oct 20, 2020



XP 672

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"Shesaidshesaid L" is a MIDI music piece in Pop Music style, played by an ensemble of 12 instruments including Overdriven Guitar, Electric Guitar (clean), Electric Bass (pick), Trumpet, Honky-tonk Piano, and Rock Organ.

The total duration of this midi music is 2 minutes and 17 seconds, with a total of 2,784 notes, Stored in a TYPE 0 format file which has only one track, and a single tempo of 120bpm.

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is B major, marked beats are 4/4、3/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Pan, Bank Select, Channel Volume Control, Modulation Wheel are used, to enhance the quality.


She said I know what it's like to be
I know what it is to be sad.
And she's mak-ing me feel
like I've nev-er been born.
I said "Who put all those things in your
Things that make me feel that I'm mad.
And you're mak-ing me feel
like I've nev-er been born."
She said "You don't under-stand what
I said!"
I said "No, no, no, you're wrong!"
When I was a boy every-thing was right.
Every-thing was right.
I said "Even Tho-ugh you know what you
I know that I'm re-ady to leave.


Pop Music    Shesaidshesaid

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 7 channels, 6 instruments, 6 percussion instruments

  • 1


    210 notes/chords,avg. pitch C4

    Program ID: 56, Track: 0

    time: 00:08 - 02:16

    pitch: F3 - F4

  • 2
    Honky-tonk Piano

    Honky-tonk Piano

    136 notes/chords,avg. pitch D#4

    Program ID: 3, Track: 0

    time: 00:11 - 02:17

    pitch: G3 - A#4

  • 3
    Rock Organ

    Rock Organ

    124 notes/chords,avg. pitch C5

    Program ID: 18, Track: 0

    time: 00:28 - 02:06

    pitch: A#3 - A#5

  • 4
    Electric Guitar (clean)

    Electric Guitar (clean)

    326 notes/chords,avg. pitch A#3

    Program ID: 27, Track: 0

    time: 00:02 - 02:17

    pitch: A#2 - F4

  • 5
    Overdriven Guitar

    Overdriven Guitar

    1,052 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#3

    Program ID: 29, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 02:17

    pitch: A#2 - G#4

  • 6
    Electric Bass (pick)

    Electric Bass (pick)

    306 notes/chords,avg. pitch F2

    Program ID: 34, Track: 0

    time: 00:04 - 02:17

    pitch: G#1 - C3

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Electric Snare High Floor Tom Low Mid Tom High Mid Tom Crash Cymbal 1


only 1 track is used, 1 track has notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 TrumpetHonky-tonk PianoRock OrganElectric Guitar (clean)Overdriven GuitarElectric Bass (pick) Bass Drum 1Electric SnareHigh Floor TomLow Mid TomHigh Mid TomCrash Cymbal 1

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