Amalgam by Toby fox
"Amalgam" is a MIDI music piece in Anime/game music style, played by an ensemble of 14 instruments including Taiko Drum, Fretless Bass, Pad 4 (choir), Bird Tweet, Applause, and Syn Drum.
The total duration of this midi music is 1 minute and 20 seconds, with a total of 1,392 notes, divided into 15 tracks, and a single tempo of 180bpm.
the marked beat is 4/4.
Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Modulation Wheel are used, to enhance the quality.
Composer: | Toby fox |
Ratings: |
Standard Midi File Properties
GM1 -
File format
File size
13.77 KB -
01:20 -
180 -
Channels and Instruments
Used 10 channels, 9 instruments, 5 percussion instruments
Pad 4 (choir)
137 notes/chords,avg. pitch G3
Program ID: 91, Track: 2time: 00:00 - 01:20
pitch: A1 - D4
61 notes/chords,avg. pitch C5
Program ID: 126, Track: 4time: 00:05 - 00:59
pitch: E4 - B5
Fretless Bass
140 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#2
Program ID: 35, Track: 5time: 00:10 - 00:43
pitch: A1 - G3
Bird Tweet
92 notes/chords,avg. pitch C#5
Program ID: 123, Track: 6time: 00:21 - 00:58
pitch: A2 - E6
Slow Strings
8 notes/chords,avg. pitch B4
Program ID: 49, Track: 7time: 00:21 - 00:40
pitch: G4 - D5
Lead 1 (square)
33 notes/chords,avg. pitch D4
Program ID: 80, Track: 8time: 00:42 - 01:03
pitch: C#0 - F#6
Taiko Drum
163 notes/chords,avg. pitch G5
Program ID: 116, Track: 9time: 00:42 - 01:04
pitch: C5 - C6
Brass Ensemble
32 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#4
Program ID: 61, Track: 3time: 00:21 - 00:42
pitch: A#3 - D5
Syn Drum
48 notes/chords,avg. pitch A2
Program ID: 118, Track: 14time: 00:53 - 01:15
pitch: G#2 - B2
percussion instruments
Ride Cymbal 2 Crash Cymbal 2 Ride Cymbal 2 High Bongo Crash Cymbal 2 High Bongo Low Timbale Cabase Ride Cymbal 2
15 tracks are used, 13 tracks have notes
# | Name | Channel(s) | Instrument(s) |
2 | The Past | 1 | Pad 4 (choir) |
3 | Trumpet 4 All | 8 | Brass Ensemble |
4 | Giygas Breath | 2 | Applause |
5 | Onett Bass | 3 | Fretless Bass |
6 | Giygas Static | 4 | Bird Tweet |
7 | Kraken String | 5 | Slow Strings |
8 | Uns. Opponent | 6 | Lead 1 (square) |
9 | Bongo | 7 | Taiko Drum |
10 | Snare | 10 | Ride Cymbal 2 |
11 | Snare #2 | 10 | Crash Cymbal 2Ride Cymbal 2High Bongo |
12 | Open Hi Hat | 10 | Crash Cymbal 2High BongoLow TimbaleCabase |
13 | Kick | 10 | Ride Cymbal 2 |
14 | Bump | 9 | Syn Drum |