Cascades Was I dreaming

Uploaded by Lilypad on Oct 31, 2020



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Cascades WasI Dreaming

"Cascades Was I dreaming " is a MIDI music piece, played by an ensemble of 10 instruments including Acoustic Guitar (steel), Electric Guitar (clean), Acoustic Bass, Baritone Sax, Voice Oohs, and Trombone.

The total duration of this midi music is 2 minutes and 23 seconds, with a total of 4,600 notes, divided into 17 tracks, the initial tempo is 120bpm, the min tempo is 112bpm, the max tempo is 140bpm.

This MIDI file uses the GM1 standard, which is General MIDI, then switched to GS (Roland General Standard).

The key signature marked in the MIDI file is C major, the marked beat is 4/4.

Some MIDI events such as pitch wheel, Channel Volume Control, Pan, Bank Select are used, to enhance the quality.

Meta Text

Please do not distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro or equivalents To Ploy, Lassie, Farong, Jikko, Choco and White
 For personal non-profit use only.
 Latest revision can be found at
 Sequenced by ChartChai MeeSangNin
 Last revised: January 2002

Sequenced by ChartChai MeeSangNin


Was I dreaming
when I kissed you tonight?
Was I dreaming
when I held you so tight?
Was I really there
along with you?
Or was that a dream too?
Was I dreaming
oh were you there with me?
Was I dreaming
how could it really be
that I heard you whisper
I love you
Or was that a dream
Or was that a dream too?
It seems I spent so many nights
just dream and dreams of you
And now I really can't be sure
if all of this is really true
Was I dreaming
Oh were you really there?
Was I dre

Copyright: Sequenced by ChartChai MeeSangNin

Other Music    Cascades

Standard Midi File Properties

Standard Midi File Properties

Channels and Instruments

Used 7 channels, 6 instruments, 4 percussion instruments

  • 1
    Baritone Sax

    Baritone Sax

    243 notes/chords,avg. pitch G#4

    Program ID: 67, Track: 7

    time: 00:11 - 02:21

    pitch: E4 - D5

  • 2
    Acoustic Bass

    Acoustic Bass

    273 notes/chords,avg. pitch D2

    Program ID: 32, Track: 8

    time: 00:03 - 02:22

    pitch: G1 - G2

  • 3
    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    Acoustic Guitar (steel)

    1,574 notes/chords,avg. pitch B3

    Program ID: 25, Track: 9

    time: 00:03 - 02:23

    pitch: E3 - G4

  • 4
    Voice Oohs

    Voice Oohs

    189 notes/chords,avg. pitch F#4

    Program ID: 53, Track: 10

    time: 00:03 - 02:22

    pitch: F3 - C5

  • 5


    68 notes/chords,avg. pitch E4

    Program ID: 57, Track: 11

    time: 00:06 - 01:55

    pitch: F3 - C5

  • 6
    Electric Guitar (clean)

    Electric Guitar (clean)

    359 notes/chords,avg. pitch F4

    Program ID: 27, Track: 12

    time: 00:03 - 02:22

    pitch: F#3 - C5

  • 10

    percussion instruments

    Bass Drum 1 Electric Snare Closed Hi-Hat


17 tracks are used, 10 tracks have notes

# Name Channel(s) Instrument(s)
0 Cascades-Was I dreaming
1 Cascades-Was I dreaming
2 Seq by ChartChai MeeSangNin
5 Last revision: January 2002
6 <><><><><><><><><><><>
7 1 Baritone Sax
8 2 Acoustic Bass
9 3 Acoustic Guitar (steel)
10 4 Voice Oohs
11 5 Trombone
12 6 Electric Guitar (clean)
13 10
14 10 Bass Drum 1
15 10 Electric Snare
16 10 Closed Hi-Hat

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