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演示:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Gc411t7m1 Hatune Miku Glow
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bpm 85 4/4拍
The Glow-Worm (Gluhwurmchen Idyl) English Words by Lilla Cayley Robinson.
1999 今、そこにいる僕 作曲 岩崎琢
VOCALOID系列曲 注:此MID专门设定FF14演奏,使用在其他地方有问题一概不负责!
《崩坏3》动画短片「最后一课」插曲-Night Glow
相信玩过三蹦子的都知道这歌,真红出场后姬子老师给琪亚娜最后一课的歌。 玩过的,知道音乐故事,弹起来很震撼
Wallace Wvw 45finale 2a 3
Stella Glow
On Freedom's Altar Glows a Fire! An Appeal to Arms! Words and Music by a Lady of Philadelphia, PA (1861) for General MID...
The streets will glow forever bright, Your glory's breaking through the night, You will never fade away, Your love is here
Why do the stars glow above? Don't they know it's the end of the world?
cnct.com) \There lived a cer tain man in Rus sia long a go /He was big and strong, /In his eyes a flam ing glow