About 205 results
Kelly. (1880) for General MIDI playback To all the little darlings of all the dear old grandpa's in this, my native land.
\Most peo ple looked at him /With ter ror and with fear \But to Mos cow chicks /He was such a love ly dear
\Dear, when you smiled at me, /I heard a me lo dy, /it haun ted me from the start.
time since I met you /an op por tu nit y is here /to tell you how I love you /what you mean to me my dear
月のランプ / 平松 愛理 RCP&SC-55 CVS Ver5.06 Created 〈〈《月のランプ》〉〉 「「『 平松 愛理 』」」 From 「MY DEAR」 KOU
Dear Mama z Albumu "Me against the World" 2 Pac Rip dawcioglogow@poczta.onet.pl Tap Productionsゥ For ABSDRAKT productions
brought to mind /Should old ac quaint ance be for got /And days of auld lang syne \For auld lang syne, my dear
. / <goonies@redestb.es> / Celine Dion MIDI / KARAOKE Site / http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/4980 / To my dear
/Tell me, dear, /are you lonesome tonight? \Are y
/It is the night of the dear Sa vi our's birth! \Long lay the world in sin and er ror pin ing!
be miles a way \Here we are as in old en days /hap py gold en days of yore \Faith ful friends who are dear
/I don't know if it's cloud y or bright \'Cause I on ly have eyes for you, dear /The moon may be high \
\He, he buys you dia monds /Bright, sparkl ing dia monds /But be lieve me, dear when I say \That he can give
me skies of grey and skies of blue, /He gave me hills that run down to the sea, /Then last of all dear
@LENGL @TENGLISHMAN IN NEW YORK @TSting \I don't drink cof fee I take tea my dear /I like my toast done on
row /Though my heart is full of tears at this far ewell \For you are beau ti ful, and I have loved you dear