About 197 results
/Don't give in wi thout a fight.
\Ham mer of the gods /will drive our ships to new lands, \To fight the hordes, and sing and cry, /Val hal
TMichael Sembello @TFrom the movie "Flashdance" \Just a still town girl on a sa tur day night /loo kin' for the fight
/Oh, I've seen the light /It's just one more fight /With out y o u. /Here I am
\Lead me not in to temp ta tion /Hea ven help me to be str on g /I can fight all that I'm feel ing /But I
heart to see you cry ing \I don't want to lose you /I could ne ver make it a lone \I am a man who would fight
FFIV-13 バトル2 -Fight2- for XG by Shake
BitScape Computer Creations Lyrics: Fighting evil by moon light Winning love by daylight Never running from a real fight
Butterflies & Hurricanes
\Fight for your own e man ci pa tion! \A rise ye slaves of eve ry na tion \in One U nion Grand! \Our
up \it's been rai ning since you left me /now I'm drown ing in the flood /you see I've al ways been a fight
\Don't you think the time is right /For us to fight? \All the things we
tal ma chines, un bend ing la w s /Can't slow me down, I'd go on /I've learned how to deal and when to fight
\The on ly ex cep tion I know is the case /when I'm out on a qui et spree, \Fight ing vain ly the old en
\Knee deep in the hoop la /sink ing in your fight. \Too ma ny run a ways /eat ing up the night.