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@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THard Headed Woman @TElvis Presley \Well a hard head ed wo man, /a soft heart ed man
www.bsbgalaxy2000.hpg.com.br \Show me the mean ing of being lon ely \So ma ny words, for the bro ken heart /It's hard
know that /Made room for me it's too soon to see /If I'm hap py in your han ~an ~ands /I'm u nu sual ly hard
------------------------------------------------------------- Locked hand chord style Bridge at Section C Simulated hard
in' e lse mat ters /It ain't o ver /It's on ly lo ve /And that's all ya \When your heart has been bro ken /Hard
cross the floor /I was feel ing kind /Of sea sick /But the crowd /Called out for more /The room was /Hum ming hard
\Sit ting here was ted and woun ded /at this old pia no \Trying hard to cap ture /the mo ment this mor ning
\But I tried and tried to for get you girl /but it's just so hard to do /eve ry time you do that th
\Bud dy, you're a young man, hard man, /shout ing in the street, /gon na take on
s hard
you were /your num ber has been called \Fights and bat tles have be gun /re venge will su rely come /your hard
sing sleep Drea ming a bout the things that we could be But ba by, I've been, I've been pra ying hard
\At the off ice where the pap ers /grow she takes a break, /Drinks a noth er coff ee \and she finds it hard
grand piano /My beautiful Castillo \You-ooh , You-ooh /I'd leave it all \My acres of a land /That I've achieved \It may be hard
When the feel ing's gone /and you can't go on /Tra ge dy /When the morn ing cries /and you don't know why /hard
Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some times it gets so hard
br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLIVE TO TELL @TMadonna \I have a tale to tell /Some times it gets so hard
Give This to Mother Words by S. W. Harding. Music by Stephen Collins Foster, 1826-1864. (1864) for General MIDI playback