About 343 results
TQUEEN (Mercury) \I've paid my dues /Time after time /I've done my sentence \But committed no crime /And bad mis
/There's been a load of com pro mis in', /On the road to my ho ri zon.
You're not sorry @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T You're not Sorry @T Taylor Swift @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé
THREE ELIZ A BETHS /- I - /HAL CY ON DAYS /(El iz a beth Tu dor) /Mu sic by Er ic Coates /Ded i cat ed, by per mis
Monster @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Monster @T Lady Gaga @T Mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par jc sur le net
Made using vgmtrans, FL Studio & MidiEditor. Lyrics entered using Karakan V5.0 Taken from the game, Hi Hi Puffy AmiY...
@Iby Jed Shlackman \I don't know whe re I'm going /But I sure know where I've be en /Hang ing on the pro mis
thing I know you need to say /I feel your e mo tions /When I look in your eyes /Your si lence /Whis pe ring mis
Lilac Wine 2012 @TKAR by Estrada 4th November 2012 \I lost my self on a cool damp night /I gave my self in that mis
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T 21 Guns @T Green Day @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par JC sur le net.
en cuan do cer ca /u nas ve ces su bir, y o tras ca er /y yo cuan do tu te me a cer cas /no res pon do de mis
«'O sole mio» («Mi sol») es una canción napolitana de 1898 con letra de Giovanni Capurro y música de Eduardo di Capua....
/Wem der gros se Wurf ge lun gen, \Ein es Freun des Freund zu sein, /Wer ein hol des Weib er run gen, /Mis che
is gone \Gone now, the love and laugh ter /See your self the morn ing af ter /Can't you see her eyes are mis
夜空(原唱:五木ひろし) Itsuki hirosi
' in the rain /Tears are fal lin' and I feel the pa ~ ~ in \Wish 'in you were here by me /To end this mis