About 208 results
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @LENGL @TYour Song @TElton John @TKaraoke file by beno@imola.jump.org \ It's a lit tle bit fun ny
\If a ny one asks, /I'll tell them we both just moved on /When peo ple all stare /I'll pre tend that I don't
\A ny bo dy could be that guy. /Night is young and the mu sic's high. \With a bit
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \Ba by let me be /Your lo vin' te ddy bear /Put a chain a round my neck /And lead me a ny
\Ru dolph, the red ~nosed rein deer /had a ve ry shi ny nose, \and if you ev er saw it, /you would e ven say
Elvis Presley @Tkar by L-S Ouellet karaoke@courriel.qc.ca \She's sit ting right o ver there /I'd know that face a ny
Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \My my, at Wa ter loo Na po le on did sur ren der /Oh yeah, and I have met my des ti ny
Matte @TI HAVE A DREAM @TWestlife @TI have a dream \I have a dream, a song to sing /To help me cope with a ny
ILyrics entered with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TGirl @TThe Beatles @TKaraoke par Claude Deschenes @w \Is there a ny
\Through ma ny dan gers toils and snares /I have al rea dy come.
ding for Ve nus /And still we stand tall \Cause may be they've seen us /And wel come us all \With so ma ny
Ulvaeus \I have a dream, a song to sing /To help me cope with a ny thing \If you see the won der of a
mine are fol low in' you /I've fal len for you, /What e ver you do /'cause ba by you've shown me /So ma ny
entered by Raphael Pungin @I RAPHAEL@CNCT.COM @LENGL @TVISION OF LOVE @TMariah Carey \Trea ted me kind /Sweet de sti ny
beat, in com plete /I'd been bad, I was sad and blue \But you made me feel /Yeah, you made me feel /Shi ny
\I got a Ni kon cam er a, /a So ny col or T V. \But the one that I love is from the U. S.
sing them out a gain /Song sung blue /weep in' like a wil low /Song sung blue /sleep in' on my pil low /Fun ny
Black Eyes Peas - Meet me halfway /I can't go a ny fur ther then this /I want you so ba dly, it's my bi ggest
Cal i for nia Blue \Ev ery day I pray /I'll be on my way /Sav ing love for you /Cal i for nia Blue \One sun ny