About 234 results
/See you walk ing 'round /like it's a fu n'ral /Not so se ri ous, girl /why those feet cold?
\With out him I feel his arms a round me /and when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found On
c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TALL AROUND THE WORLD @TLisa Stansfield \Been a round
no shame \Turn ing and re turn ing /To some sec ret place in side \Watch ing in slow mo tion /As you turn a round
/Like a flo wer lean ing to ward the sun /I turn to you /'Cos you're the on ly one /Who can turn me a round
/For when they placed it on his head /He be gan to dance a round. \Oh, Fros ty the snow man /Was a
I said don't mind' /but what do you,mean I am the one /who will dance on the floor in the round?
Talk in' to my self and feel in' old /Some times I'd like to quit /Noth ing ever seems to fit /Hang in' a round
\Star ing at the ring a round your fin ger.
@KMIDI KARAOKR FILE @LENGL @TRockin' Around The Christmas Tree / Rock in a round the Christ mas tree at the Christ
LIGHTNING WAR(ROUND2,7) Melo(Sub Bass Melo(D Melody Rhythm Bass Saw Melody Rhythm
breath /And I don't need much of an y thing /But sud den ly sud den ly \I am small and the world is big /All a round
that way \I'm gon na be strong /I'm gon na be fine /Don't wor ry a bout this heart of mine \Don't turn a round
\When the sun comes up on a sleep y lit tle town /down a round San An tone, \And the folks are ris in' for
, in a word get clo ser to the fire /Run fas ter, her laugh ter burns you up in side \You're spinn ing round
@LENGL @TFAITHFULLY @TJourney \High way run in to the mid night sun /Wheels go round and round /You're on my
2nd Ref 1 main 2-0 main 3-0 Main 3-1 Guitar Solo 2round
their flocks by night, /All seat ed on the ground, /The an gel of the Lord came down, /And glo ry shone a round
Remix By Estrada Thailand Ev er since I was a kid at school I messed a round with all the rules A
/Synchro: Fran蔞is ~ Mees /Been there, done that, /Messed a round, /I'm hav ing fun, /Don't put me down, /I'll