About 285 results
hotmail.com @T2004 \You don't think that I'll be strong e nough /No ba by now /I won't be a pri soner of your love
me the mean ing of being lon ely \So ma ny words, for the bro ken heart /It's hard to see in crim son love
on day aft er day /Hearts torn in ev e ry way /So ferr y cross the Merc y \Cos' this land's the place I love
Midnight Hour D Aston Comments to onntwo@wans.net Vs 1 I'm gonna wait till the midnite hour That's when my love comes
/I love you more than I can say /I'll love you twice as much to mor row /O h, love you more than I can
of life what in dreams /It seems /But in the real world /We must say real good bye /No mat ter if the love
\I knew, you'd love me as long as you want ed. /And then some day, /You'd leave me for some bod y new.
/And need a friend \And troub les seem like /They ne ver end \Just re mem ber to keep the faith /And love
Carey - Sent from up above @TBy Lauriane @Tlaurianemjj@hotmail.com @TJuin 20041 \I don't wan na live wi thout your love
Mercy Mercy Mercy onntwo@wans.net Mercy, Mercy, Mercy My baby, she made out of love, Like one of those bunnies out of
hope and I pray \You'll be with me /some day /I know down in side \You are mine /and I'm your true love
Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TLADY IN RED @TChris DeBurgh \I've ne ver seen you look ing so love
are show ing \Look at this life /I still don't know where it's go ing \I don't know much /But I know I love
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TWAITING IN VAIN @TBob Marley @TMIDI sequence by Raphael Pungin \I don't wan na wait in vain for your love
\And when we hear the voi ces sing, /the book of love will o pen up and let us in.
Amy Grant @TBrought to you by Ken Vong (shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Ba by Ba by /I'm ta ken with the no tion /To love
with the lum ber \ Got a pain in the chest /Doc tors on strike \what you need is a rest /It's not ea sy love
I just feel like /I won't get you out of my mind /I feel love for the first time /and I know that it's
/That I'm a wolf in sheep's cloth ing /'Cause at the end of the night /It is her I'll be hold ing /{I love