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来自外网 来源:https://freemidi.org/download3-7673-never-gonna-give-you-up-rick-astley
And Since You Leave Me No. 3 from a collection, a gift from Mrs. Alsop to Mr. Clifton, shortly before her death.
Mrs. Daniel S. Dickinson, New York. Composed May 1845 for Miss Virginia E. Dickinson (late Mrs.
Symphony 1
The Compliments of the Season Song and Chorus Words and Music by Mrs. Robert Thomson (1885) for General MIDI playback
Song and Chorus Words and Music by Mrs. Earnest. (1862) for General MIDI playback
No introduction yet
You're being distracted.
Words and Music by Mrs. C. C. Case (1884) for General MIDI playback
Lights & Shades Words by Mrs. Hemans. Music by Francis Petersilea. (13 Apr 1841) for General MIDI playback
and) Music by Henry Russell, 1812-1900 (1841) To Mrs. Berry for General MIDI playback
Fanny Grey A Ballad of Real Life Writtten and Composed by the Honorable Mrs. Norton. (1839) for General MIDI playback
Our Boys Are Home to Stay Words by Mrs. E. S. Kellogg.
Lover's Quarrel Words and Music by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902 (1874) As sung by Mr & Mrs. Frank A Conly.