About 346 results
/No a mor, no sorriso, na flor /En tão son hou, son hou /E per deu a paz /O amor, o so rri so e à flor /Se
/Dans tes clas seurs d'ly cée /Y'a des rêves et des se crets /Tous ces mots que tu n'dis ja mais /Des mots
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TACE IN THE HOLE @TGeorge Strait \You've got to have an ace in the hole /A lit tle se
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TWESTLIFE @T My Love @T kar by Rondy ( rondy11@bol.com.br ) \ /An empty stre et /An empty hou se
******* @W \Take a look at my girl friend /She 's the on ly one I got \Not mu ch of a girl friend /Never se
\Que se pa el mun do que en mar cha es toy, con mu cho que /ver y vi vir, con cie los a zu les an dan do
Its ap peti te for hope /come and see \You mix it all to ge ther in your dreams /In gre di en ts from the se
FILE @LENGL @T< I'm Just A Kid > @T< Simple Plan > @T< Midi: IBB/Patti synchro: Fran蔞is ~ Mees > \I woke up it was se
@IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \O pen your e y es I see /Your eyes are o pen /Wear no dis gu i se
/Mi s ta ken /al ways se cond gues sing, /un de res ti ma ted. /Look, I'm still a round.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRose Garden @TJoe South \I beg your par don I ne ver /prom ised you a ro se ga r den
Copacabana ou Copacabana (At the Copa) est une chanson d'amour américaine de samba brésilienne-disco, de Barry Manilow,...
The lo ng lone ly nights /Are now at an end /The key to my heart /You hold in your hand /But noth ing el se
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tsmooth @Tsantana \Man it's a hot one /like se ven in ches /from the mid day sun \I
it in side /The tru th is n't far be hind me /You can't de ny /When I turn the ligh ts out /When I clo se
you /But if I do then I might miss you, babe /It's com pli cated and stu pid /Got my ass squeezed by se
* /=============================== \An tes de co no cer te /el mun do e ra pla no /aun que lo dis cu ta us ted, /se
sin introduccion
/Joy ful, all ye na tions, ri se, /Join the tri umph of the ski es; \With the an ge lic host pro claim, /"Chri