About 238 results
doop do doop da dum \We were as one, babe /For a mo ment in time \And it seemed e ver las ting /That you would
\Rhi an non rings like a bell through the night, /and would n't you love to love her?
the wa ll some day /I will be there, I will be there \If we'd go a gain /All the way from the start /I would
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Althought his/her part and mine sounded very close to being exact, i used the other person's part and would like to give
you /I get a warm feel ing in side /There's some thing 'bout the things you do /That keeps me sa tis fied /I would
and torn a part \I wish I could carry your smile in my heart /For times when my life seems so low \It would
/You would think my love was real ly some thing good, /
was Lo la, she was a show girl /With yel low fea thers in her hair /And a dress cut down to there \She would
/I have on ly come here seek ing know ledge, /Things they would not teach me of in col lege.
wrin kles /that were'nt there yes ter day; \And thinks of the young man /that she al most mar ried, /what would
IGenerated with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TJohn Legend - All of Me(2013) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter 17th February 2014 \What would
nosed rein deer (reindeer) /Had a ver y shin y nose (like a light bulb) /And if you ev er saw it (saw it) /You would
ture, wild and free \This is where I long to be /La is la bo ni ta \And when the sam ba played /The sun would
\Ru dolph, the red ~nosed rein deer /had a ve ry shi ny nose, \and if you ev er saw it, /you would e ven say
/But that will nev er change \the way that I feel /The snow is real ly pil ing up /out side I wish you would
late at night and /in the morn in' I just lay in bed /Well, Rhon da you look so fine, /And I know it would
/Cra zy, some would say. /Where is the life that I re cog nize?
And if I haver /Yeah I know I'm gonna be /I'm gonna be the man /Who's havering next to you \But I would
/If you'd come to day you would /have reached the whole nat ion.