About 322 results
Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \{M} Look at my face /I know the years are show ing /Look at this li fe /I still
/But in my mind I know they will still /live on and on.
Bereznicki @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @L0:31 @TPony Life @TJess Furman & Ethan Roberts @TRRME \PONY LIFE /It's a swe et life /Still
out to catch an out ra geous thrill /But it's more like spin ning wheels of for tune /Which nev er stand still
bound ary /The ringing of the division bell had be gun \Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway /Do they still
ne ver fin ding the ans wers \Cry ing at the top of my voice, /And no.one lis te ning \All this time, /I still
For though they may be parted there is Still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, let it be.
it would be /Oh, Mon day morn ing /Mon day morn ing could n't gua ran tee /That Mon day even ing you would still
When I am down and, oh my soul, so we a ry /When trou bles come and my heart bur dened be, /Then I am still
\li ke a fool i went /and stayed /too long \now i'm won dering /if your love's /still strong \oh oh ba by /here
Sequenced by RIMFIRE 1 I'll Still be 3 Lovin'You 5 2 4
/On ly emp ti ness in side us /Ba by, look what we've be come /We can make a mil lion pro mi ses /But we still
Kelly @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TYou Are Not Alone @TMichael Jackson \An oth er day has gone /I'm still all a lone
\My clothes may still be torn and tat tered, /But in my heart I'd be a king.
/But still a lit tle shy. /Yes I need , I need my sa mu rai! /Ay, ay, a y!
\Still e nough time to fi gure out /how to chase my blues a way. \I've done al right up 'til now.
old pia no \Trying hard to cap ture /the mo ment this mor ning I don't know \'Cause a bot tle of vod ka /is still
/Mm, but when that change comes, /will it still feel the same?
\And still there ne ver seems to be /a sin gle pen ny left for me. /That's too bad.
@T2013 \You went a way in Sep tem ber /re mem ber all you said to me, /Now it is near ly De cem ber /and still