About 334 results
Timber(2013) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter 24th February 2014 \Kesha: It's go ing do wn /I'm yell ing tim ber /You bet ter mo
www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Meu bem vo cê me dá á gua na bo ca /Ves tin do fan ta si as, ti ran do a rou pa \Mo
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TMia Gioconda - Vicente Celestino @IKaraoke do Brasil - Familia Ribeiro - 1999 @Ihttp://www.geocit...
\Har mo ny and un der stan ding /Sym po thy and trust a boun d i ng /No more false hoods or de ri sions, \Gold en
/Dei ne Zau ber bin den wi e der, /Was di e Mo de streng ge tei lt; \Al le Men schen we den Brü der, /Wo dein
@LENGL @TSAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU @TWhitney Houston \A few stol en mo ments is all that we share /You've got
BMI @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPart of the Plan by Dan Fogelberg @Tseq by Don Kreifels/kar by Mike M \I have these mo
loo kin like a ghost town /on a moon less sum mer night \Rain drops on the wind shield /there's a storm mo
dei xo con fis s髊s /No gra va dor /Vai ser en gra 蓷 do /Se tens um no vo a mor /Me ve jo a teu la do /Te a mo
\One thing can le ad to an oth er /It does n't take an y sac ri fice /O h, Fa ther and Mo th er /Sis ter and
terríblemente solo sin tí \A Lis bo a /en tren de lu jo /yo via ja ba \y a mi la do /muy ga lan te, /un por tu gués \Al mo
Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com \Shat tered dreams /Cut through my mind /Tra gi cal ly our love has died /Me mo
/Talk a bout, talk a bout, talk a bout mo vin'. \Got ta move on. /Got ta move on. /Got ta move on.
KARAOKE FILE @TSailor Moon - Tema @IKaraoke do Brasil - 1999 @Ihttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Mes mo
Mariah Carey - Vanishing @T By Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com @T Juin 2004 \If I could re cap ture /All of the me mo
/Har mo ny and un der stan ding, /sym pa thy and trust a bo un ding.
/Mei o de mo dée pra ho je em di a. /An ti ga men te, tu do e ra bem mais chi que.
your hat on /You can leave your hat on /Go on ov er here /turn on the light \no all the lights /Come mo
/You can't dress tra shy /till you spend a lot of mo ney. \Eve ry bo dy's talk in' 'bout the new sound.
ser /Se é as sim /Vo cê tem que lar gar a mão do não /Sol tar es sa lou ca, ar der de pai xão /Não há co mo