About 315 results
I would /Hear the dis tant laugh ter /Was n't it you and me /Sur vi ving the night /You're fa ding out of my
\The sum mer sun looked down /On our love long a go \But in my heart I feel /The same old aft er glow \A
<<< \No I can't for get this even ing /Or your face as you were lea ving /But I guess that's just the way
\In the days of my youth, /I was told what it means to be a man.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TOnly The Lonely @TRoy Orbison \On ly the lone ly, know the way I feel to night.
My Way By Claude Francois / Jacques Revaux / Paul Anka Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Unnamed-000 Unnamed-001 Unnamed-
Dissassembly of this file in any way is strictly prohibited.
“ This is our final phase, There's no way to retrace! ” 《final phase》是TV动画《某科学的超电磁炮T》的OP1,由fripSide演唱。
McGee @TJanis Joplin \Bust ed flat in Bat on Rouge, /wait in' for a train /When I's feel in' near as faded \as my
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @Ientered with Karakan @LEngl @T>>> OTIS REDDING (1966) / TEMPTATIONS (1989) <<< @T>>> MY GIRL <<< @
entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENG @TGO WEST @TVillage People \To ge ther we will go our way
My bo dy's weak. /I'm on the run. No time to sleep. \I've got to ride.
\Way down in side, /oh hon ey you need it. \I'm gon na give you my love. /I'm gon na give you my love.
us to cheat /And to lie and cov er up /What shoul dn't be shared /And the truth un wind ing /Scrap ing a way
Fall To Pieces @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T<Fall To Pieces> @T<Avril Lavigne> @T<Added by midime> \I looked a way /Then
ver say good bye /To de sire when we are to ge ther \Rai ny days grow ing in your eyes /Tell me where's my
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTEARS IN HEAVEN @TEric Clapton \Would you know my
not a gang ster to night /Don't want to be a bad guy /I'm just a lo ner ba by /And now you're gotten in my
Two by two their bod ies be come one \I see you through the smo key air /Can't you feel the weight of my