About 276 results
\Ciò che con ta è che sia sta ta /co me u na splen di da gior na ta \U na splen di da gior na ta /stra vi zia ta
Rogers and the First Edition \You pain ted up your lips /And rolled and curled your tin ted hair \Ru by are you con
is ov er now \The morn ing sun is shin ing /like a red rubb er ball \You nev er cared /for sec rets I'd con
LENGL @TThat's What Friends Are For @TDionne Warwick \And I nev er thought I'd feel this way /And as far as I'm con
\Tie the knot /At the end of your ro pe, \Buy a book to help you cope but /No con so lation gon na come,
oh oh oh /When no one else can /und er stand me /When ev ery thing I /do is wrong /You give me hope /and con
le ciel de Pa ris /S'en vole u ne chan son hum hum \Elle est nee d'au jour d'hui /Dans le coeur d'un gar con
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER @TPolice @Tkaraoked by Uwe Trempelmann \You con si der me the
flee t ing /Mad ness takes its' toll /But list en close ly /not for ve ry much l ong er /I've got to keep con
@W Karafilm par St-Tremblay \Les In dians de Cleve land con naîtront le /même suc cès que la sai son
One that I Want @TOlivia Newton-John / John Travolta GREASE \I got chills, they're multi ply in', /and I'm los in' con
/Con tem pla ting a crime \She comes out of the sun in a silk dress run ning /Like a wa ter col or in the
Ribeiro - 2001 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/wribeiro/karaoke.html \Se o se nhor não tá lem bra do /Dá li cen ça de con
entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TDREADLOCK HOLIDAY @TBoney M \I was wal kin' down the street, /Con
/She hears on ly whis pers of some /quiet con ver sa tion. \She is co ming in twelve thir ty flight.
She rea ches in, grabs right hold of your heart \She seems to have an in vi si ble touch yeah /It takes con
www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Mes mo queren do não pos so ser sin ce ra /Pois nos meus son hos eu me con
\Fa zer sam ba, não é con tar pia da /Quem faz sam ba as s
ta a briu /Vo cê sor riu /Vo cê me o lhou /Ah, vo cê se der re teu /E se a ti rou /Me en vol veu /Ne m brin cou /Con
chez laurette french vers