About 358 results
and a si gn /Now I got him past that redhead in Atl anta /Lord I walk ed all over th at black eyed caj un
know you need to say /I feel your e mo tions /When I look in your eyes /Your si lence /Whis pe ring mis un
self on a cool damp night /I gave my self in that mis ty light /Was hyp no tized by a strange de light /Un
/Now I un der stand \What you tried to say, to me /And how you suf fered for your sa ni ty /And how you tried
@LENGL @TUNDER PRESSURE @TQueen \Pres sure push ing down on me /Pres sing down on you no man ask for \Un der
your list /of things to do /To bring your good luck /back to y o u /And if you think that /ev ery thing痴 un
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T 21 Guns @T Green Day @T mis en kar par boubou sur un midi trouvé par JC sur le net.
Can't let go @T By Lauriane @T laurianemjj@hotmail.com \There you are hol ding her hand /I am lost /Dy ing to un
rance is kind /There's no com fort in the truth /Pain is all you find \Should 've known bet ter \I feel so un
black he won't be com ing back /Save yo ur tears you've got years and years \The pains of sev en teens /Un
de leur vie un em pire \Blood and tears \Faire l'a mour à Ma rie \Blood and tears \Et Ma rie est mar tyre \
By Carlo Mario (Evolutivo) /Lima - Perú \Me en can tan las /can cio nes de a mor /y a que llas que pi den /un
/I said it's fun ny that you un der stood. \I knew you would.
\Your looks are laugh a ble, un pho to graph a ble. /Yet, you're my fav 'rite work of art.
/Va no è il pre go ed il ri gore, /l'un par la be n e l'al tro no \E a que st'al tro io do il mio core, /sen
so no an ni che so gna vo \sta sto ria lo sai /sen to il cuo re che /mi rim bal za in boc ca e tu \con un
yang fa na ak an di ting gal kan /Han ya am al an yang di ba wa /Den gar sa yup su rah di ba ca /Sa yun ya al un
\Y si es mí o el am pa ro /de tu ri sa le ve que es como un can tar /E lla cu ra mi he ri da \To do , to do
\We can try to un der stand /The New York Times' ef fect on man.