About 258 results
sun \Some day you'll know /I was the one /For tomor row may rain /So I'll fol low the sun \And now the time
TBy the Beatles \Who knows how long I've loved you /You know I love you still /Will I wait a lone ly life time
/When I know the time is right fo r me. /I'll cross the stream, I have a dream.
TKaraoke by Ginny @T09/03/2000 \Work ing all day /And the sun don't shine /Trying to get by /I'm just kill ing time
YOU @TABBA \No more care free laugh ter /Si lence e ver a fter \Walk ing through an e mpty ho use /Tears in my
@LENGL @LENGL \You say it's all in my head, /And the things I think just don't make sense.
lit tle turn ing \So ti red that I coul dn't e ven sleep /So ma ny secrets I could n't keep \Pro mised my
me /to sit any where \So I look a round /and I noticed there /wasn't a chair \I sat on a rug, /bi ding my
revealed.net : ) : ) @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBluer Than Blue @TMichael Johnson \Af ter you go, I can catch on my
lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \Some times I feel /like I don't have a part ner /Some times I feel /like my
my own... /And how can
Air Supply (1980) @T(Words & music: Graham Russel) @TI-Scream Music Productions, ejes 1997 \I'm ly ing a lone with my
have learned your les sons all them times be fore, /You've been bruised, /You've been bro ken \Then there's my
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TLET IT BE @TThe Beatles \When I find my
the fall /Too blind to see the writ ing on the wall \A man can tell a thou sand lies /I've learned my
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRainy Days and Mondays @TThe Carpenters \Talk in' to my self and feel in' old /Some times
Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TGirl @TThe Beatles @TKaraoke par Claude Deschenes @w \Is there a ny bo dy going to lis ten to my
like some one took a knife \ba by e dgy and dull and cut /a six inch val ley through the mid dle of my