About 285 results
TSoldier Boy @TShirelles \Sol dier boy /Oh, my lit tle sol dier boy /I'll be true to you \You were my first love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSuperstar @TThe Carpenters \Long a go, and, oh so far a way /I fell in love with
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I RAPHAEL@CNCT.COM @LENGL @TVISION OF LOVE @TMariah Carey
/I was the one /For tomor row may rain /So I'll fol low the sun \And now the time has come /And so my love
15/05/96 @W @W*************** Have Fun **************** @W \Give a lit tle bit /Give a lit tle bi t of your love
entered by Veikko Hoffmeister @Ie-mail: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TSTUMBLIN' IN @TSuzi Quatro & Chris Norman (1979) \Our love
nous ly tear ing through the si le nce /I can not move, I'm stand ing /Numb and fro zen /A mong the things I love
with WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TThe Night Before @TBye The Beatles \We said our good byes /The night be fore /Love
\But who's to blame /For a love that woul dn't bloom /For the hearts that ne ver played in tune.
ers in the night ex chang ing glanc es, /won d'ring in the night what were the chanc es /we'd be shar ing love
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TI don't Know How to Love Him @Tfrom 'Jesus Christ Superstar' \I don't
reach the stars, /Pull one down for you, /Shine it on my heart /So you could see the truth: /That this love
\May be I did n't love you /quite as of ten as I could have.
dis co ver /A lit tle some thing /To make me sweet er \Oh ba by re frain /From break ing my heart \I'm so in love
\So she took he love /for to gaze a while /up on the fields of bar ley.
/So if you love me say you lo ve me /but if you don't just let me g o.
\And when we hear the voi ces sing, /the book of love will o pen up and let us in.
La dy, \Come to me /and take my hand /And Be My La dy \Tru ly, /I must let you know /That I'm in love