About 435 results
第一音轨排箫,第二音轨钢琴,第三音轨鲁特琴。合奏谱,懒得拆双人的。 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异。 没有二胡,就用排箫替代,也算是别有一番味道。
CYE-CHAN GS reset Exclucive Master Volume Reverve Macro Reverve level Reverve time Chorus Macro Chorus rate Chorus depth Voice
【 圧縮形式 】LHA 2.13 【 発売元 】ローランド株式会社 【 ファイル名 】L4003_03.MID ******** GS Tone Map ******** 1 0 0 92 Space Voice
8va Melody Harmony (below) Piano Piano (BB) Soloist (BB) (none) Strings Strings (BB) untitled Untitled Song Voice
Winter by Frederic Woodman Root, 1846-1916 (1909) for General MIDI playback from "Guide for the Male Voice"
Untitled Song Bass Drums Vibes Sequenced By Les Herrman 12/07/1995 Voice 1 (Melody) Voice 2 (Harmony) Voice 3 (Harmony
莠コ螢ー, Voice
Tear the mask of lies asunder; Let the truth be known; With a voice of angry thunder, Rise and claim your own!
Horns Voice Rev Cymbal Drums
voice rt hand lt hand
voices轨:前奏+人声主旋律 harmony轨:和声轨道 C大调,曲速97
Generated by NoteWorthy Composer Voice Guitar 1 Keyboard 1 Keyboard 2 Keyboard 3 Bass Drums
My fav barbie song
Seq-1 HI HAT hand clap KICK,SN MEL.string BASS PIANO 1 PIANO 2 rap(voice)
驪歌 Auld Lang Syne: midi track 1 - Grand Piano midi track 2 - Voices midi track 3 - Alto Sax midi track 4 - Spro...
When I wake up I could see you through the sky, All your voice and smell is nearby The sun is shining, the clock is clicking
drum mix bass 1 bass 2 harp ocarina el piano bells organ 1 organ 2 synth Voice GS + GM
髓「逅エ, 髓「逅エ, Voice A