About 291 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TA Hard Days Night @TThe Beatles @Tkar: Joe (The Walrus) Wallace Jan. 6, 2002 \It's been a
Routine Day by KLAATU Sequenced by Blake Wallace klaatu@texoma.net Thanks to whoever supplied the basic piano
Wallace, Terry Skiner, and Ken Bell Recorded by Air Supply, 1979 Sequenced by Deb Ackley, 03/28/98 deb@who.net MIDI Haven
= bpm provided This file provided by: Rob Wallace Music (602) 978-0835 new #: {602} 979-6201 MULTIMEDIA WINDOWS VERSION
Wallace Music & Sound, Inc. {602} 979-6201
Wallace Music & Sound, Inc. {602} 979-6201 NOTE: FOR ADLIB... SPLIT RH/LH AT F4
log: 2-2 6-3 3-10 7-0 4-6 8-0 5-4 9-0 ALL MATERIAL (P) (C) 1992 by The Software Toolworks This file provided by: Wallace
By Tom Wallace twalla@primenet.com Check out the game by CyberFlix "Titanic, Adventure Out of Time..."
Haven, http://midihaven.com/midi.html @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLonesome Town @TRicky Nelson @Tkar: Joe (The Walrus) Wallace