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Dear Mother, I've Come Home to Die With Birlliant Variations for Piano (Melody by Henry Tucker).
中世纪圣歌,常见于圣灵降临节的弥撒。 推荐使用低音提琴-高八度进行自动演奏,如有管风琴或choir更佳。
Come In Out of the Draft, or The Disconsolate Conscript (aka "How Are Your Conscript?) Words by Ednor Rossiter.
No introduction yet
Bright acoustic x Acoustic Grand Base lyrics song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6UYeXRcdLE
O Come Your From the Indies? or Robert's Return From the War Words and Music by George Frederick Root.
大合奏 原调 鲁特琴或竖琴演奏 ====================== 。。。。。。 歌儿是很好听,至于EVA真心为你这部剧场版还是不做过多评价了 说起来,这首曲子的编曲还有点披头士的《Hey Jude》的意思。
The Spot Where Eddie Sleep or Six Lonely Years Have Come and Gone for General MIDI playback No. 9 from "Prairie Flowers"
Come to Me, Darling, My Sorrows to Lighten No. 5 from "Prairie Flowers" Words by Charles Brennan.
The Coventry Carol
The Happy Day Has Come, Kate or Sequel to "Take Your Gun and Go, John" Words and Music by Hiram T.
Sailing Up the Tennessee The Flag's Come Home to Tennessee, or The Retun of the Old Flag Words and Arrangement by David A