About 321 results
\Now you could spare a kiss or two and still have plen ty left.
\Now I can still re call /Th
do /But some bod y's cry in \I know some bod y and they call your name /A mil lion times and still
email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE CAPTAIN OF HER HEART @TDouble \It was way past mid night /and she still
\I turned on the lights, the T V /and the ra di o /still I can't es cape the ghost of you.
\She's the kind of girl you want so much /it makes you sor ry /Still you don't re gret a sin gle day \Ah
our dreams /on sus pic ious minds \So where's that old friend I know /I thought I'd say hel lo /would I still
gone \We can work it out, /we can work it out \Think of what you're say ing /You can get it wrong /and still
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TO Little Town of Bethlehem @TTraditional Christmas Song \O lit tle town of Be thle hem, /How still
Sweet de sti ny \Car ried me through des pe ration /To the one that was wai ting for me \It took so long /Still
WinKaraoke Creator 1.1 @LENGL @TI Will @TBy the Beatles \Who knows how long I've loved you /You know I love you still
night be came /a brand new day \Two lov ers play ing scenes /from some ro man tic play \Sep tem ber morn ing /still
me to a dis co /You can't ev en get me out on the floor \In ten mi nutes I'll be late for the door /Still
that's sleep ing /While my gui tar gent ly we e ps \I look at the floor and I see /it needs sweep ing /Still
@I@Copyright 1996 @LENGL @T*RED RED WINE* @Tby UB40 \Red red wine /goes to my head /make me for get that i still
and goes /Good bye Ru by Tues day \Who could hang a na me on you /When you change with ev 'ry new day /Still
\Still in peace ful dreams I see /the road leads back to you.
lgs.it \First the tide rush es in /Plants a kiss on the shore \Then rolls out to sea /and the sea \is ver y still
/Star of won der, star of mi ght, /star with ro yal be auty bri ght, \West ward lead ing, still pro ceed ing,