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@TArtist: Nat King Cole \Chest nuts roast ing on an op en fire /Jack Frost nipp ing at your nose /Yule tide car
lay in' our hearts /On the tab le, /Stum bl in' in /Our love is a flame /Burn in' with in /Now and then /Fire
\Oh, I saw you by the wall, /ten of your tin sol diers in a row, \With eyes that looked like ice on fire
you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart good bye /She's trou ble, in a word get clo ser to the fire
\You can't start a fi re, /you can't start a fire with out a spark.
\Said you'd give me light, /but you nev er told me 'bout the fire.
@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TRUNAWAY TRAIN @TSoul Asylum \Call you up in the mid dle of the night /Like a fire