About 408 results
\When I hear lone ly sing ers /Who are just as lost as me, /Ma king noise, not me lo dy.
\Bit ter sweet me mo ries /that is all I'm ta king with me \So good bye, please don't cry /We both know I'm
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TGood King Wenceslas/Xmas song @TJ. Neale/J.
wait to hear the words you've ne ver said /Fum bling through your dres ser drawer \For got what I was loo king
Most cordially dedicated to William Mansfield King, Esqr.
@LENGL @TLET IT BE @TThe Beatles \When I find my self in times of trou ble, /Mo ther Ma ry comes to me /spea king
Written by Goffin and Carole King. Sequenced by ChartChai MeeSangNin (jeridu@yahoo.com).
\I tra vel the world /And the se ven seas \Eve ry bo dy's loo king for some thing.
the he rald an gels si ng, /"Glo ry to the new born King!
gon na tell you when it's too late /Who's gon na tell you things aren't so great \You can't go on thin king
man I see is a po ten tial threat \And I'm pos ses sive, it is n't nice /You've heard me say ing /That smo king
A Rhapsody On Christmas Carols "A Rhapsody On Christmas Carols" Sequenced for General MIDI by GaryW0001 (@AOL.com) Arra...
Beatles-Keep your hands off my baby http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King GM/GS file,
Elvis Presley-Hawaiian wedding song http://members.tripod.com/jeridu/ Written by King, Hoffman and Manning GM/GS file, Optimised
@LENGL @LENGL \Da y drea m er, /Sit ting on the sea, /Soa king up the sun.
\So if you're as king me, /I want you to know. \When my time
distribute edited version GM/GS file, Optimised for Roland SC-88 Pro or equivalents Words and Music by Gerry Goffin and Carole King
\Lay your prob lems on the floor, /Clap your hands and sing once more: \Eve ry bo dy, let's go to the "King
/Born is the King o f Is ra el. \They looked up and saw a star!