About 381 results
do é tão for te /Po de a té ma chu car \Mo ça, do bre as man gas do tem po /Jo gue teu pen sa men to /To do em mi
nient'altro che noi @TMusic: 883 \Po trei sta re o re e o re qui /ad ac ca rez za re /la tua boc ca ed i tuoi zi go mi
/We move in space with mi ni mum waste /and max i mum joy. \Ci ty lights and busi ness nights.
/Star of won der, star of mi ght, /star with ro yal be auty bri ght, \West ward lead ing, still pro ceed ing,
/karaoke estoiaburrio /www. geocities. com/ es toi abu rrio \A ho ra que ya mi vi da se en cuen tra nor mal /u u
Benzi - Kevin Organisation @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LFrench @TLa rose des vents (1998) @TAnggun @TKaraoké By Je@n-Mi \Je suis
que ser ho mem bas ta ria /Que o mun do mas cu li no tu do me da ria /Do que eu qui ses se ter /Que na da, mi
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMr. Sandman @TUnknown \Mis ter Sand man, bring me a dream, /Make her the cut est...
Pergolesi \Se tu m'a mi, se tu so spi ri, /Sol per me gen til pa stor.
\Un a po ca de gra cia pa ra mi pa ra ti /y ar ri ba y ar ri ba /ar ri ba ar ri ba por ti se re \por ti
Rola tipica de microbusero mexicano :)
Workers of the world awaken
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting..) @TArtist: Nat King Cole \Chest nuts roast ing...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TDon't Let Me Be Misunderstood @TAnimals \Baby, do you und er stand me now, /Some time...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. @TSeq - Dr. J.Pitt-Payne. Kar - Bunty Pritchard Jones. Oc...