About 36 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THopelessly Devoted to You @TOlivia Newton-John \Guess mine is not the first heart brok
christina aguilera \there you are /in a dark ened room /and you're all a lone /look ing out the win dow /your heart
for bid den step /Is this some thing that I might re gret \No thing ven tured no thing gai ned /A lo nely heart
a brand new start /But lit tle did she know \That when she left that day /A long with her she took my heart
\There's a place in your heart /and I know that it is love.
\Heart less chal lenge, /pick your path and I'll pray.
you /I will ne ver leave you a lone \Some times I just for get /say things I might re gret /It breaks my heart
/And the on ly price you pay /Is a heart full of tears.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @Tyour love is king @Tsade \Your love is King /cro wn you with my heart /your love is
\There goes my ba by, there goes my heart, /they're gone for ev er, /they're so far a part.
mer night my whole world tum bled down /I could have died if not for you /Each time I think of you my heart
dar ling /May be it's bet ter that way \I'm gon na be strong /I'm gon na be fine /Don't wor ry a bout this heart
FILE @LENGL @TPuppy Love @TPaul Anka \They call it pupp y love /Oh, I guess they'll nev er know /How a young heart
Send fall ing stars that seem to cry /Your ba by does n't want you an y more /It's ov er \It breaks your heart
\When you were young /and your heart was an o pen book, /you used to say live and let live.