About 42 results
True freedom for all men Fighting hard for the future The promise of a better day For tomorrow we drink from the cup
/Me and my friends at the ta ble do ing shots /Drink ing fast and then we talk slow.. {Mmm~ ~ ..}
《Shape Of You》歌词: The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go Me and my friends at the tab...
Girl /** Kar by Lauriane Madison ** \This was ne ver the way I planned /Not my in ten tion /I got so brave, drink
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand 我看见一个狼人,手里拿着中国菜菜单 Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain 在雨...
out for more /The room was /Hum ming hard er /As the ceil ing flew a way /when we called out /For an oth er drink
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPerfect day @TLou Reed @TKaraoke by H.de Koning \Just a per fect day, /Drink San gri a
\She'd been drink ing too much egg nog, /and we warned her not to go, /but she for got her med i cat ion,
right up \and touch the sky /When the weath er's fine /You got wom en, you got \wom en on your mind /Have a drink
@LENGL @TENGLISHMAN IN NEW YORK @TSting \I don't drink cof fee I take tea my dear /I like my toast done on
/I drink much more that I
Hey Down Derry Drinking Chorus, Song & Glee from the Opera of the Enterprize (1823) Words by Col. W. H. Hamilton. Musi...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TAnother Day @TPaul McCartney \Eve ry day she takes a morn ing /bath she wets her...
/I re memb er doing the time warp /Drink ing those mom ents when /The Black ness would hit me /The void would
\Now she's with one of my good time bud dies, /They're drink in' in some cross tow n ba r.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLola @TKinks \I met her in a club down in old So ho /where you drink cham pagne /and
Na Na /Na Na Na Na Na Na \I guess I just lost my hus band /I don't know where he went /So I'm gon na drink
\When we called out for ano ther drink, /the wai ter brought a tray.