About 46 results
\I want a man with a sl ow hand. /I want a lov er with an
I feel my heart start to trembl ing \When ev er you're a round \O oo, May be, when I see your face /Mell ow
kind /But It was n't cause the lad ies did n't try /Now ev' ry where we g o /They're walk in' 'round him sl ow
school /They're lia ble to send you home /Ne ver know in' what you're show in' /Think you're grow in' your ow
\I've been liv ing with a shad ow o v er head. /I've been sleep ing with a cloud a bove my bed.
hea ven /Would it be the s a me /if I saw you in hea ven /I must be strong and car ry on /'Cause I kn ow
Muse I Belong To You
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @KAll rights reserved, TUNE 1000 CORP. @V0100 @I 07-26-93, 13:00, V.T. @KCopyright WARNER CHAPPE...
for eve ry one to see /And if you try a litt le kind ness /And you' ll over look the blind ness /of narr ow
my love /We shall meet, I know /I know \Where joy should reign /The se skies restrain /Shad ow your lo ve /The
what we have done /All that we de stroyed /You must build a ga in \When the chil dr en cry /Let them kn ow
in the dark ness /And so I turned in side once more \To my a maze ment /There stood a ra ven /Whose shad ow
/When the roost er crows at the break of dawn /Look out your wind ow and I'll be gone \You're the reas on
I be lieved /In ev ery thing you said to me /yeah huh that's right \If some one said three years from n ow
/I feel my heart start to trembl ing /When ev er you're a round \O oo, ba by, when I see your face /Mell ow
/Now I think it's time /that you let me kn ow.
\And a black wid ow spi der makes /more sound than she.