About 32 results
/Child ren laugh ing, peop le pass ing /Meet ing smile aft er smile /And on eve ry street corn er you hear /Sil
\Come on sil ver la dy take my wo rd. /I won't run out on you a gain, be lieve me.
\You could be my sil ver spring, /blue, green col ors flash ing.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSILVER WINGS @TMerle Haggard \Sil ver wings, /shin ning in the sun light.
/Cra zy laugh ter in a nother room /and she drove her self to mad ness with a sil
\Rock on, gold dust wom an, /take your sil ver spoon, dig your grave.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWALKIN' THE DOG @TRufus Thomas \Mar y Mac dressed in black, /sil ver but tons al l down
\And I don't own the clothes I'm wear ing, /And the road goes on fo r e v e r, \And I've got one more sil
\And the cat's in the cra dle, and the sil ver spoon. /Lit tle boy blue and the man on t
/It's just a sil ly phase I'm go ing through.
Tfrom Tommy, by Pete Townshend @TSoft Karaoke version by Carl Warren \Ev er since I was a young boy /I played the sil
/Bel la ro sa por po ri na \Og gi Sil via sce glie rà, /Con la scu sa del la spi