About 41 results
/And I say "Yes, you look won der ful to night" \We go to a par ty /And eve ry one turns to see \This beau
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @I Lyrics entered by Patrick Matte @LENGL @TBIRTHDAY @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \You say
\With no lo ving in our souls /and no mo ney in our coats \Oh you can't say we're sa tis fied \An gie, A
IGenerated with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TBruno Mars - Runaway Baby(2010) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter 14th November 2013 \Ahh yes
clothes to wear She puts on her make up And brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me Do I look alright And I say
er mean ing to send /Beau ty I'd always missed /with these eyes be fore /Just what the truth is /I can't say
\I'd call you up to say I'm sor ry. /But I would n't want to waste your time.
hea vy load /From the seeds he sowed /And if you see your sist er /fall ing by the way /Just stop and say
knew be fore /Bet ween the two of us guys /You know I love you more \It took me by sur prise I must say
with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TBruno Mars - Runaway Baby(2010) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter 14th November 2013 \Ahh yes
mind /To live in mem or ies /Of such an old lone some time \I can't stop want ing you /It's use less to say
\In his eyes you see no pride, /And held loose ly by his side, \yes ter day's pa per /tel ling yes ter day's
\All I want for Christ mas is my two front teeth, /My two front teeth, yes my two front teeth.
/Cra zy, some would say. /Where is the life that I re cog nize?
Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TRuby Tuesday @TThe Rolling Stones \She would nev er say /where
\Tho we got ta say good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TStay (I missed you) @TLisa Loeb @T.KAR by Ken Vong (synergy@intergate.bc.ca) \You say I
/When it's o ver, so they say, it' ll rain a sun ny day. /I know, shi nin' down like wa ter.