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Sparking Daydream - 中二病也要谈恋爱
Imperishable Night: Love-Colored Master Spark black
Sparking Sunday Night Words by Charles G. Degenhard, 1855. Music by Sidney M. Grannis. (1856) for General MIDI playback...
This song is the first one in which glitch bf joins with evil bf to turn into wicked BF so enjoy
曲名 恋色マスタースパーク 译名 恋色Master spark 作曲 ZUN 类型 再编 原曲 恋色マジック 来源 东方封魔录 ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland.
ミカヅキ - 乱步奇谭ED 第一音轨是钢琴,第二是Spark电子鼓,不要也加载钢琴音色。 试听:http://music.163.com/m/song?id=535027694&userid=39204208
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shore /And I'll try, Oh Lord, I'll try /To car ry on \I look to the sea /Re flec tions in the waves /Spark
left in a hur ry, /and here's the rea son why: \Rhy thm and ro mance, /Ro mance and rhy thm, /Taught me to spark
\Out si de un der the pur ple sky /Di a monds in the sn o w /Spark le.
Laurence Fenn - kar by Mike M \Night time slows, rain drops splash rain bows /Per haps some one you know could spark
laurianemjj@hotmail.com \Swept me a way /But now I'm lost in the dark /Set me on fire /But now I'm left with a spark
\Yeah, here we go again, /we are moving from a spark to a flame. \I am hi-hi-high on emotion, /hi-hi-high again.
/Oh I know that the mu sic is fine /like spark ling wi ne go and have your fun. /Laugh and si
\You can't start a fi re, /you can't start a fire with out a spark.