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(9-14 Aug. 1897) for General MIDI playback A Characteristic March which can be used effectively as a Two-Step, Polka or Cake
https://musescore.com/user/5258031/scores/11894392 演唱 かぴ 早见沙织 作曲 Shito 填词 Shito 编曲 HoneyWorks 吉他 中西 贝斯 さと 钢琴 宇都圭輝(Cake
\Pat ty cake, Pat ty cake /With no
life /Cause we go each ot her /It's a cute life /Li ving life in our own way /Come on, grab a slice of cake
/cake(HoneyWorks): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fowx1zTlXb0 ┗|∵|┓今好きになる。
\Some one left the cake out in the rain, /and I don't think I can take it, /'Cause it took so long to
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TMARGARITAVILLE @TJimmy Buffett @TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \Nib blin' on sponge cake
ry day \When you were so in love with me /I played a round, like I was free \Thought I could have my cake