About 637 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TUnder the Boardwalk @TBette Midler (The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts
const antly and with out bound ary /The ringing of the division bell had be gun \Along the Long Road and on down
It does n't show signs of stop ping / and I brought some corn for pop ping / The lights are turned way down
you how I'm feel ing /I got ta make you un der stand \Ne ver gon na give you up /Ne ver gon na let you down
on ly you and me /We were young and wild and free \Now noth in' can take you a way from me /We've been down
TDeadstar @TMuse @T-Fly- \Shame on you for think ing /You are an ex cep tion /We're all to bla me /Crash ing down
I'll fight /To win back your lo ve a gain /I will be there, I will be there /Love, on ly love /Can break down
/How can you be /So cold /So cruel to me /Ice cold /Don't e ven feel /Your kiss is like fi re /But deep down
tell you how I'm fee ling /Got ta make you un der stand \Ne ver gon na give you up /Ne ver gon na let you down
\But I could n't take the punish ment, /and had to set tle down.
old flat top he come groo ving up slow ly /He got joo- joo eye ball he one ho ly rol ler /He got hair down
Don't ever leave me a lone \When you told me you did n't need me any more /Well you know I near ly broke down
\When I am down and, oh my soul, so we a ry /When trou bles come and my heart bur dened be, /Then I am
Thomas Jrt 59friendship
ev ery thing in my stride /Don't need rea son, don't need rime /Ain't noth ing I would ra ther do /Go ing down
/The sn ow is f al l i ng down /Get's co ld er da y by da y, /I miss you.
\She said that li ving with me /Is brin ging her down, yeah. \For she would neve
\Mac Ar thur Park is melt ing in the dark /all the sweet, green ic ing flow ing down.
can be /The shad ows foll ow me \And the night will set me free \But I don't let the even ing get me down
using Timbres of Heaven @TTogether with CoolSoft VirtualMIDI Synth \Ba by, I'm prey in' on you to night /Hunt you down