About 465 results
your life /You were on ly waiting /For this mo ment to be free \Black bird fly /Black bird fly /In to the light
\She held me spell bound in the night, /danc ing shad ows and fire light.
ing the wrong way \You've got to try a litt le kind ness /Yes show a litt le kind ness /Yes shine your light
/We triped the light /And danced to ge ther to the moon, \But where
TGoodnight @TBy The Beatles \Now it's time to say good night /Good night sleep tight /Now the sun turns out his light
\And I can chan ge the world, /I will be the sun light in your u ni verse.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TParadise By The Dashboard Light @TMeatloaf \BOY: /I re mem ber ev ery lit tle thing /As
then she asks me Do you feel alright And I say yes, I feel wonderful tonight I feel wonderful Because I see the love light
\Yet in thy dark streets shi neth /the e ver last ing light!
I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five /Hop ing it'll take me /just a lit tle far ther down the line \Moon light
burn in side of me \I know where beau ty lives /I've seen it once, I know the warmth she gives \The light
pil low in the morn ing /A lazy day in bed, mu sic in my head /Craz y mu sic play ing in the morn ing light
TKaraoke by Raphael Pungin (raphael@cnct.com) \To night, /There'll be no dark ness to night \Oh tight /Let your love light
\You're my guid ing light. /Day or n
TTHRILLER @TMichael Jackson \It's close to mid night /And some thing e vil's lurk ing in the dark \Un der the moon light
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TSELF CONTROL @TLaura Branigan \Oh the night is my world /Ci ty light
ding for Ve nus /And still we stand tall \Cause may be they've seen us /And wel come us all \With so ma ny light
' our hearts /On the tab le, /Stum bl in' in /Our love is a flame /Burn in' with in /Now and then /Fire light
deep and dream less sleep \The si lent stars go by; /Yet in thy dark streets shi neth /The e ver las ting light