About 435 results
Master Track DM:0000:[Common] Version=DSB202 Name=Voice A Color=181,162,123 DynamicsMode=0 PlayMode=1 [Master] PreMeasure
Synth Voice 80. Ocarina 25. A.Guitar (nylon) Unnamed Instrument 50. String Ensemble 2 7. Harpsichord 52.
\Like the drip, drip, drip of the rain drops, /When the sum mer show er is through, \So a voice with in me
weepin like a willow Song sung blue... sleepin on my pillow Funny thing - but you can sing it with a cry in your voice
TDREADLOCK HOLIDAY @TBoney M \I was wal kin' down the street, /Con cent rat in' on truck in' right \I heard a dark voice
/I asked her her name and in a dark /brown voice /she said: "Lol a L -o -l -a Lol a la la la la Lol a."
der crash ing in my head /My pil low still wet /From last night tears /And as I think of gi ving up /A voice
NOT FOR RENTAL \Each time the wind blows, /I hear your voice so /I call your name.
Melody Sax Voices E-Guit 2 E-Piano Fl?he Piano Flute E-Guit 1 Bass Drums GS BY UT
like thun der now /As I look in you eyes \I hold on to you bo dy /And feel each move you make \Your voice
intro 2 b2 Hold synth solo 3 b3 solo sweet solo Synth analog Synth Analog Synth Analog Synth Strings piano solo voices...
Flute Oboe English Horn Clarinet Horn String Ensemble String Ensemble Tremelo String Harp Celesta Glockenspiel Somewher...
タキシード・ナイト(美少女戦士セーラームーンより) by Goemon GS Reset REBERB CHORUS VOICE RESERVE
Witchy Woman Eagles
Mode Set(MODE-1 Set) Displayed Letter(for SC-88Pro) Master Tune Sub Rythm GS Master Volume Master Key-shift Master Pan Voice