About 451 results
/I came a long just to br ing you this song, /Can you spare one dream f or me?
/of school girl fan ta sy /she wants him, so bad ly \knows what she wants to be /in side her there's long
\Sing a long, /oh, you don't know what you're miss ing now. \An y lit tle song that %- %+
: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE ONE @TElton John \I saw you dan cing out the o cean /Run ning fast a long
@TRay Charles @TLyrics Entered by GSR MIDI Sequence by GSR \Those hap py hours /That we once knew /Though long
/Sing a song /Make it sim ple to last your whole life long /Don't wor ry that it's not good e nough /for
/Say the words you long t %- %+
Flock of Seagulls @TMike & Ali Score @TSequenced by Rick Davis @TRickEtc@aol.com @TKaraoked by Zatgrrrl \I walked a long
\These vag a bond shoes are long ing to stray /right through the ve ry heart of it, /New York, New York.
Panpot Reverb Chorus (Low Tom) Panpot Reverb Chorus (Crush Cymbal) Panpot Reverb Chorus (Ride Symbal) Panpot Reverb Chorus (Long
Volume *O HiHat Reverb *C Cymbal1 Reverb *C Cymbal2 Reverb *Tambourine Reverb *Cabasa Reverb *Long