About 463 results
clas sic sen sa tion, senti men tal con fu sion \Used to say "I like Cho pin" /Love me now and a gain, wo oh \Rain
A Down Easter's Visit to St. Louis Words and Music by S. W. Raines. (1859) for General MIDI playback Comic Song. as sung...
\Like the drip, drip, drip of the rain drops, /When the sum mer show er is through, \So a voice with in me
fa ces /On ly the shad ows of their eyes \I'm go in' where the sun keeps shin in' /through the pour in' rain
than it seems /The simp le truth a bout \the love he brings to me /Where do I start \Like the summ er rain
Music Productions, ejes 1996 <<< \I know your eyes in the mor ning sun /I feel you touch me in the pour ing rain
\Wind is a ~blow in', rain starts to fall, /Train is a ~toot in' its long, lone some call, \Wheels are click
\Some one left the cake out in the rain, /and I don't think I can take it, /'Cause it took so long to
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TORDINARY WORLD @TDuran Duran \Came in from a rain
rea son why /I'll prove to you /We be long /I'll be the wall /That pro tects you /From the wind and the rain
re mem ber to this day /The bri ght red Georg ia plain /And how it stuck to the times /aft er the summ er rain
blue sky in to grey \Why wor ry /There should be laugh ter af ter pain /There should be sun shine af ter rain
we kiss /through an em brace \I can tell, I can feel, /you are love, you are real \Real ly mine /In the rain
bless ed day /The dark sacred night /And I think to my self /What a Won der ful World \The col ours of the rain
03/2000 \Work ing all day /And the sun don't shine /Trying to get by /I'm just kill ing time \I feel the rain
\Well, the rain ex plo ded with a might y crash
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE MIRACLE @TQueen \Ev ery drop of rain
scarf /While ja cking off lis te ning to Mo zart /You bitch and moan a bout L A /Wi shing you were in the rain