About 486 results
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe 12 Days of Haloween @TTraditional \On the first day of Halo ween, /My zom bie gave
LENGL @TSoldier Boy @TShirelles \Sol dier boy /Oh, my lit tle sol dier boy /I'll be true to you \You were my first
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRUBY DON'T TAKE YOUR LOVE TO TOWN @TKenny Rogers and the First Edition \You pain ted up
<speedy_midi_config version="1"><editor_state><mapping cell_td="1" xzoom="100" yzoom="114" cell_d="8" first_track="0" first_measure
funny how those memories they last /Like strawberry wine and seventeen /The hot July moon saw everything /My first
<speedy_midi_config version="1"><editor_state><mapping cell_td="1" xzoom="106" yzoom="0" cell_d="8" first_track="0" first_measure
\May be I should have called you first /But I was dy ing to get to you.
1996 <<< \I wan na wake up with you /I wan na be there when you o pen your e yes /I want you to be the first
\First thing eve ry mor ning that I do. /Start missing you. \Some bro ken hearts ne ver mend.
Don Williams @TKar by Roger Mac Sequencer Unknown \Cof fee black ci ga rette /Start this day like all the rest /First
\How pre cious did that Grace ap pear /the hour I first be leived.
<speedy_midi_config version="1"><editor_state><mapping cell_td="1" xzoom="100" yzoom="66" cell_d="8" first_track="0" first_measure
But you made me feel /Yeah, you made me feel /Shi ny and new \Like a vir gin /Touched for the ve ry first
@TI Write The Songs @TBarry Manilow @TLyrics Entered by GSR \I've Been A live For ev er /And I Wrote The Ve ry First
\You and I /will make each night a first /eve ry day a be gin ning.
\That her face at first just ghost ly /turned a whi ter shade of pale \She