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so strong Take the chance for romance, take my heart I need you so There's no time I'll ever go Cheri, cheri lady Going
第一版:https://url.cy/iZ7NA4 Arranged by: Animenz Composed by: Go Shiina Transcribed by: maDwaZz MIDI: sharetor
双簧管,钢琴,竖琴,鲁特琴,小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴。有另外的两个双人谱。 已根据游戏音域做调整,试听会有差异。 游戏实录:BV14D4y1t78p,BV1x3411m7TW 基本还原了原曲。有鼓,但是太少了,所以就没要。竖琴...
Jammo! or "Onward Let Us Go" (aka Funiculi, Funicula) Italian Words by G. Turco. English by Syndey Rosenfeld. Music by L...
抖音 未修 自用
TDS is a tower defense game on roblox. TDS means "Tower Defense Simulator" If you dont know yet, go check it out! It'...
No introduction yet
Midi来自油管里的合集 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf9l7H6mDL0 而且合集里有Remix 10 考虑到有些人上不去油管,我这里有MIDI的合集包 https://wwi.lanzouy...
/Tiny Stars》 音轨2 Tiny Stars 音轨3 GOING UP 1.2.3! “ 现在大声喊出“喜欢”吧(大好きっていま叫ぼう) 我们要做的只有梦想吧!(夢みるしかないでしょ!)
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