About 623 results
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TIt's Over @TRoy Orbison @TKaraoke by Ginny @T15/02/2000 \Your ba by does n't love you an y more
oo ooh \Now the sum mer is gone /you had to go ba ck home /please come and see me a gain /I ne ver felt more
sett in' like molasses in the sky \The boy could sing he knew how to move /Ev e ry thing \Al ways want in' more
You may not use this file for ANY c This MIDI file was modified from Bob's original MIDI file version in one or more of
of this night /Is made to lose con trol /And there is some thing in your eyes /That's long ing for some more
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I took a "less-is-more" approach to this file. Sometimes Bass & Drums are all you need.
More midis on http://www.freshmidis.com Sequencers: mRmIdI Draven IceMan Maverrick
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you mean to me \Search your heart, search your soul /And when you find me there, /you will search no more
歌曲名称 ロミオとシンデレラ 罗密欧与灰姑娘、罪色童话、罗密欧与辛德瑞拉(仙杜瑞拉) 于2009年4月6日投稿至niconico,再生数为984.99万 于2015年9月3日投稿至YouTube,再生数为655.03万+(最终记录)...
MIDI file publishers and hardware manufacturers, such as Roland Corp. and Tune 1000 have introduced more detailed conventions
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TFEELINGS @TMorris Albert \Feel ings, /noth ing more