About 598 results
happened so fast /I met a girl crazy for me /I met a boy, cute as can be /Summer days drift in' away, to /uh-oh
\I want you to cry, I want you to cry, cry for me, /I want you to cry, oh cry, yeah cry.
Creator 1.1 @IUnchained Melody @IUnchained Melody @LENGL @TUnchained Melody @TRighteous Brothers @TTranscript by DREB \Oh
trembl ing \When ev er you're a round \O oo, May be, when I see your face /Mell ow as the month of May /Oh
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T"High On Emotion" @TBy Chris De Burgh @Tsequenced by G]ter Nagler (gnagler@ihm.tugraz.ac.at) \Oh
/Dig in the danc ing queen \Fri day night /and the lights are low /Look ing out for a place to go /Oh, where
bad \They call it stormy Mon day, /but Tues day's just as b a d \Lord and Wednes day's worse, /Thurs day's oh
\Oh, a %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+ %- %+
/San na Ho -oh -san na Hey Su per star \(CAIAPHAS)Tell the rab ble to be qui et, /we an tic i pate a ri ot.
Here I go a gain \Though I keep search ing for an ans wer /I ne ver seem to find what I'm look ing fo r /Oh
Eileen /Too Ra Loo Ra Too Ra Loo Rye Aye /And we can sing just like our fathers \Come on, Eileen /Oh
in June /Why do win ters come too soon /Why do peo ple fall in love /When they're al ways break ing up, oh
brush ing up on look ing down /I'm work ing on my roar \(Zazu)Thus far, a rath er un in spir ing thing \(Simba)Oh
/Then, I saw Mom my tick le San ta Claus /Un der neath his beard so snow y white; /Oh, what a laugh it would
ways been in love with you /I guess you've al ways known it's true \You took my love for gran ted, why oh
. / Oh, ho, the mist le toe / Hung where you can see, / Some bo dy waits for you / Kiss her once for me. /
you will be /Over the li e s, you 'll be strong /You'll be rich in love and you will carry on /But n o, oh
long time /Till touch down brings me round a gain to find \I'm not the man they think I am at home /Oh
get ting stron ger and stron ger \And when I get that feeling \I want Sex u al Heal ing \Sex u al Heal ing, oh
\Ha ven't see your fa ce be fore /Are you new in town \It's the same old line /Oh, e ve ry time \Are you